San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

/becomes a void panda just to banish these abominations into the hungering abyss


I agree. It’s so frustrating. I wish we’d at least have word of when to expect news. Anything to look forward to at this point. The whole “it could be tomorrow! Or… it could be in a year.” is just stringing us along. Even a “we’re not working on Allied races right now. There’s no definite date anytime soon you’ll get information.” But no, they keep repeating “yep, we are” and over time, my hopes are just kinda dwindling.

The “we’re looking at feedback” did give me a bit more hope, but we’re among the smallest communities talking right now, and constantly get bombarded with “no more elves!” so I think it’s not helping our case all too much. Still, seeing people praise the idea here and there is nice. Though it is obnoxious when other people bring this thread up on an entirely unrelated thread and say “YOU LIKE VAMPIRE ELVES, EVERYTHING YOU SAY IS INVALID!” then try to derail it with arguments. sigh But that’s my rambling.

I do like ARs too. It’s the only thing I like about BfA. I like the art and zone stories too, granted, but that’s not too surprising.


It’s funny that people seem to be anti-elves, but the most popular megathreads seem to be High Elves and San’Layn. Vulpera would also be in the top three, in my opinion. The thing is, for a lot of races, if there is a good, engaging storyline, then it makes the new allied races pretty neat to include.

It’s a reason why San’Layn in BfA frustrate me for the storyline: because of how they’re used. I mentioned they were brought in to be jobbers to the Alliance, but on that note they become backstabbing, mustache-twirling villains to the Horde for…little payoff for a heel turn that, and please correct me if I am wrong, only the Alliance gets to see. In an expansion with allied races, and keeping the hype of more being added, and hints from the dialogue, it seems like a missed opportunity that I hope turns around and they actually do end up in the Horde loud and proud. And if they do, I hope it would be as playable status and not as mooks we clobber should Sylvanas become Lich King Garrosh 3.23186 and a quarter-third squared. I’m sure theres some neat storylines that can come out it, like with Void Elves on the Alliance and seeing them active in the war effort with void magic or the Mag’Har, their clans, backstory that could lead somewhere, and having different Draenor mobs on their side.

As for looking at feedback, that is a reason I actually started being active for the first time on the forums and posting in the Ogre megathread. I’m sure some of the threads get noticed, afterall it was mentioned at one time that they looked at the forum discussions for races people want, but with how little info and communication comes from Blizzard, it can be frustrating to not even get a hint of some sort. Still, it is something, and while I don’t expect the devs to do something I type word for word, I would hope that some of these threads can inspire them for future races of sorts. I would also consider taking breaks, occasionally. Having discussions is neat, but after awhile, it can be disheartening to just not have anything come to fruition with any allied race news, which leads to frustration. You can only talk about a race for so long until it just becomes burnout.

As for detractors, theres going to be naysayers for any race, and arguing with them is like arguing with a rhinoceros in heat. Nothing good comes out of it, and everyone ends up sore, but such is the wilderness that is the internet.

I wish I could have something positive to say other than never give up hope, but all we can do is just still show support for our allied races in some fashion, and not get too down from it. I realize that is not the best pep talk, but it’s all I can offer.

As for me, my hope for Ogres will never die! Even through the darkest days, this fire burns…aaaalllllwwwaaaayyyyssss! \m/


You’re correct, though the strange thing is you can go to the ship during the Horde campaign and see some friendly San’layn neophytes. You however have to go out of your way to do so.

I agree wholeheartedly. I do hope that my personal prediction, AKA that Dreven did that out of desperation for his mission and his people rather than just flat out betraying the Horde, is a thing. I know I might be jumping through hoops in that, but I dunno… I mean, as Talanji said. The San’layn have no home. I don’t think he’d screw over his entire race just for a “muhahaha!” moment, personally. That’s to be seen, though.

This is very true. I’ve almost reached that burnout several times now, and might be approaching it now. I have the issue, though, where I think: “If we stop talking about it, they’ll take it as lack of interest, and not even look into it anymore.” Granted, that miiiight be a tad bit irrational on my part.

I honestly love this simile lol, props to you for that, and of course for being right.

Ogres have a gigantic chance, probably moreso than our vampyr here, I’d think. People have been asking for them for over a decade, and that thread looks pretty active. I think you have a strong shot, plus, they could now use the KT skeletons for it technically!


Given how long this thread and other megathreads have been around, I’m sure it has been noticed in some fashion. Besides, if you worry about the thread being at the top of the forum and being active constantly, you’ll go insane. I try to keep the Ogre megathread going occasionally by at least posting thoughts I’ve had or findings to hopefully create a discussion or some form of feedback for Blizzard to at least consider. That said, given how “looking at feedback” isn’t really defined, I do not blame you for stressing out about keeping the megathread active. The Ogre megathread was inactive for a long while, which was another reason I decided to brave the forums and support it.

As for taking the occasion break, I know Eevee mentioned taking a break for the Vulpera megathread awhile ago, and they’ve done a lot for that megathread, which I’m thankful for as I want Vulpera also. So please remember to have fun with the thread and keep posting stuff as you feel like doing, not as you feel like you should be doing.

I’ll also say in terms of storyline, San’layn at least have a BfA presence while any Horde Ogres have disappeared into fat air, but I did recently mention in a scenario that in a hypothetical Ogre unlock questline, that if the San’Layn were to have joined the Horde, they would be interested in assisting in claiming Dire Maul, a former High Elf city, with the Blood Elves and Nightborne, so theres plenty for the San’layn to do as members of the Horde!

At any rate, it is late, I am burnt out from my two exam studying, so I shall leave with the mental image of an Ogre in a makeshift bat costume saying the following:

“Wut dat look? Mes totes Darkfallen. Me fall down in dey dark lots!”


The only thing I like about BFA is the allied races. They’re the best part of this miserable expansion pack. They’ve ruined Sylvanas and other favorite characters of WoW for me.


I just wanted to say I’m in support of them too. Two days ago someone dropped the new transmogrifier toy and I used it on my DH. I became one of them. I wished I could have race changed to it and would not have looked back. I even bought the darn toy.

Well done on the background information too. I hope it does happen. I can see at least one of them on my team.


These look amazing.


Okay. I… will openly admit that I am a bit averse to the idea just because of how many Elven races there are already, but your dedication to this is nothing short of admirable! I’d prefer they expanded customisation options of DKs instead and implement such options into the Blood Elf model.

Either way, impressive work!


Thanks very much ^^ I think it could work as expanded blood elf customization if they put a lot of work into it, I really hope if they take that route of course, lore is explained in depth and such. I’m extremely interested in the vampyr curse myself, so I do hope that particular lore is looked into a bit more. If we got only customization but such that would be really well done, I wouldn’t complain.

Naturally I want an allied race for them of course, but I understand that many want a break from elves right now, so many might not want it anytime soon.

Regardless, thank you for the kind words :slight_smile:

Thanks very much ^^ Yeah haha anytime I get either the Blood Queen or Blood Prince model on the toy, I can’t help but to take so many screenshots :stuck_out_tongue: I wish we could pick or at least cycle through the transformations so I could see them more!


Story time. i attempted to swap to a dk.
Back to my lock.
stories done. GG cant function as a meele

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Unholy’s almost like a warlock, if you haven’t tried that. It’s like a mix of melee and ranged and really fun IMO.

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i attempted to do it. i just couldnt really… do it. you know?


The struggle is real for sure, but at the end of the day if that’s all they have to say, then they don’t have a leg to stand on. The same with trying to invalidate you based on being a proponent for this AR, which also happens to me, but a part of my fight for our other AR is to combat willful ignorance by exposing it as just that.

On the bright side though at least there’s not on ongoing anti-San’layn thread :smiley:

But in all seriousness, our community sympathizes with your struggle and myself and others stand by you both as friends/allies as well as supporters for San’layn as a concept.


Not yet.

  • creates a anti vampire elf thread *

I’m the exact opposite! I tried so hard to be at least somewhat OK at lock but man do I fail at casters…

YET! Hehehe… But yeah I’m sorry you guys have to deal with that one. Thanks for your kind words ^^

OFF WITH HER HEAD! Wait she’s undead would that even do anything…


It would make her travel size.

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I support your desire to make them an AR for the Horde.


I hope it’s Koltiras Deathweaver. Or slyvanas her self. Saying that she has tested the San’layn. And they would make good soldiers. Being former blood elves they can fit in nicely with the horde and forsaken. Perhaps during the Sanlayn recruit scenario you will find a necromancer to help raise some of the fallen blood elves and possibly steel hireek’s body, granting them new powers connected to the emerald dream. Possibly some of the old high elf druids could be ressurected (they were retconned out but if they died during the sunwell attack that could be enough reason for them to be brought back as botanists/ with a new connection with the emerald dream and maybe a combo with drust magic/ blood troll magic. )

A good way to implement San layn would be if Silvermoon was getting attacked by the alliance. I have mentioned before it would be cool if in a last ditch effort she rezzed many of the fallen blood elves to help protect the city. And accidentally rezzing her brother. Kael’thas would be a cool San’layn. But rezzing her brother could bring more drama between the windrunners which is good.


I believe he was just using scourge tactics. Perhaps he sacrificed the undead to help him gain power to defeat the alliance champion similar to how Illidan sacrificed his mages to defeat the Legion. I believe he was just using scourge tactics. If you see how the forsaken are now vs there introduction they are a bit more mean at the start but got more comical and more along with the other races. Albiet annoyed at them sometimes as well. Seeing the San’layn get used to the new horde and the forsaken may just be an adjustment period. When I did the alliance quest I did not see any disdain towards the horde, rather a last ditch effort to repel the alliance. But I may have forgotten things.