San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Hey, so this is the two tone hair colors we spoke of, I got this when I used the Transponder, and I could zoom in easily to show it.

Edit: Ok sorry, I get waaaaaay too excited when I get a blood prince model. BLIZZARD PLEASE LET US PICK WHO WE TURN INTO FOR THE TRANSPONDERS.

Anyway… I got more screenshots for the funzies.

Yes, I have too much fun with this.


OMG, how much I wish they where playable! :sob:

Awesome pics! :star_struck:


Oh My LAWD! I want these two in MY room SOOOOO BAADDD!!! Forgive me, my Beautiful Blood Queen Fallynn!

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So does the transponder change your race and class upon mouse over?

Doesn’t appear to sadly!

Also glad you guys like it :smiley:

in the pcitures where the queen is right behind the prince just loooks like a " aww my baby boi is trying to be a grown up with wings "


Forsaken Battleguard: sir, I’m going to have to ask you to not box the dinosaurs.

Did you inform this false forsaken battle guard that you out rank him by a mile and if he would start boxing dinos maybe he would have THE AUTHORITY TO ACTUALLY COMAND THE MIGHTY LAETH!!

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I did. He repeated it in that dead retail voice so I didn’t want to be that jerk.

Ill speak to his manager immediately!!
" Ma’am deep sigh i’m asking nicely, its been a hard unlife and this isnt making it better "
" WELL… aight sorry bud keep your head up "


Hah you guys gave me a good chuckle :slight_smile:


I support the thread “Why Work: Don’t Primer a High Elf”.

Hi Fallynn! waves frantically :smiley:


Get a two and one paint and primer for coloring your elves.


Yes please for any kind of undead elf, whether San’layn or otherwise


Haha hiya! I think vampyr pandaren might be a better AR choice, actually…

…April fools, obviously :stuck_out_tongue:


Jiansghi Pandaren! Bouncy increased!

I feel like we’re going to get 0 information for months. Maybe even half a year. Ah well. At least they’re looking at feedback so they say. Though I will say, if they add Lightforged undead and scrap San’layn, I’m probably out for good. >< At that point I’ll know that feedback is indeed pointless.

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Plot twist: Darkfallen are added and so the alliance counters with lightforged undead because light burns vampires

I would have no room to complain then to be honest hahaha


I have a sinking feeling that if we get any news of any sort regarding allied races, it’s likely it would come from Blizzcon at the end of the year, which is way too far of a wait, in my opinion.

The only reason I can think of is that they’re having another team work on character models for new allied races that could come either in a new patch for BfA, given how long it took for Kul Tirans to be made for playable status, or as a pre-order incentive for the next expansion.

Hopefully we will get something sooner or later. I really hope they don’t drop allied races, period. It’s the main reason I liked BfA in general.