San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

As an aside, what kind of Mogs do the people that play as San’layn wear? Clothies have some 100% San’layn sets from Wotlk, but for the rest proficiencies, there doesn’t seem to be much.

I think your ideas would be great but as a Necromancer… They are suppose to be opposite to Druids… I would not mind at all that instead of the traditional Minion master necromancer you get to transform as you class spec just like shadow priest can turn on/off their shadow form into WoW different types of undead.


  • San’layn Spec could be use for healing or Draining DPS that buffs party member and gain all their powers, transformations AND their racials.
  • Crypt Lord Spec would be for tanking with different type of crowd control through Mummy type powers with plagues etc…
  • Shade Lich Would be the DPS spec where you use hit and run tactics and also be able to spy and snipe enemies from afar…

Defeating your enemy and consuming their Blood/Flesh/Soul will heal and reset this passive and it will not create a minion. Or if you get heal to most HP it resets also.

As a passive for being a necromancer you get a Permanent Minion each time you kill a mob that yields experience or Honor. Also as you become injured and weaker you become more rabid and berserk in your undead form as you hunger takes over to heal your wounds! :exploding_head:

San’layn Form becomes more like the Nighborn wrenched but with red color and blood dripping form its mouth and claws…
Crypt Lord Form becomes more like a Nerubian gaining multi-strike stat as you bring out 4 arachnid limbs sharp like blades and your body becomes covered in pikes that drain-the life out the attackers.
Shade Lich Your despair of being defeated transform your Shade Lich form into a Wraith Banshee cursing, silencing attackers and Dooming who ever strikes you down with AoE Screams activating depending how low is your health get with each attack…effects need to be dispelled or it will stack up on the attackers.

It be like a Druid but with all the popular unread transformations and powers at your disposal… Hmmm ah it be soo perfect if we got the Darkfallen AND Necromancer Class at the same time!

Sorry I went overboard again, but your idea got me exited! :sweat_smile:

The nobleman’s set from Darkmoon Faire?

Too gilnean lol. I’m thinking Lana’thel and other Princes. One of the WoTLK sets is based on them.

There’s a great write up on mmo-champ that does both. I think two of the specs have transformations, one had like 3 or 4 that you’d change into.
Each spec typically had the minions though, with the spec you choose changing the “spec” of the last minion.

I’d even thought a necromancer class where the summoning was so trivial that it was passive would be nice. Play is centered around consuming the minions as a resource for spell casting or further empowering those minions into other forms.

I also kinda like the idea of a tank that was sorta like the D3 necromancer’s bone armor in that it was an actual physically represented thing (sort of like the tinker mech tank idea) but it’s an armor that you maintain via consuming and using up the minions you passively summon. So the minions are the main source of damage, which you could perhaps also empower, but you’d consume them to rebuild your bone armor exoskeleton as it’s worn down as you take the damage.

Lots of ways it could be done.
I know Lich and cryptlord were both transformations on the mmo-champ write up.
There was also a spec that I think was blood healing.

San’layn does make more sense as a straight up race though, but blood magic would be a further good addition for classes such as necromancer.

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I actually made a video on San’layn transmogs. I’m such a bloody nerd. Anyway here it is.

At the start of the video, the rest is random fun.


I do admire a lot of what do you do for San’layn support. I wish I had the time and creativeness to do that for Ogres. Kinda hard with two exams and a 10 page term paper due date all close together, sadly.

Please keep at it, though. I want to see the San’layn storyline continue and have them join the Horde. I’m thinking they’d make a great elite air strike team where they stealthily fly around, then shriek in bat form to stun a group of enemies, and then transform-pounce to siphon blood and then fly away to hunt some more. Would make great tavern stories and scare the Alliance straight!


There is no such thing.

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Generally i’d rather agree, but San’layn are pretty divorced from Victorian aesthetics.

I need to inform you all.
To recruit the highmountain you need to go to the emisary in orgrimar, speak to high chieftain, do a small questline, bam instant unlock.
To unlock the nightborne, talk to lady liadrin in orgrimar. do a small quest chain, gain allied races.
To unlock maghar you have to go to etrigg in orgrimar… you get the rest.
Do the same for zhandalari just talk to rokhan.
Who else is in that place ? Welllll
and ji firepaw.
What could they possibly bring to this discussion?
Gallywix is always about money… maybe he could unlock the vulpera? They are masterful traders and merchents of the desert.
Ji firepaw could recruit the hozen/mogu. The old gods coming back may get the mogu back to defending azeroth instead of worrying about there own internal conflicts.
But, what about nathanos?


Vulpera, Mogu and San’layn would reignite my love for WoW. I love all three of them

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Sylvanas is also in there, she could send you for the San’layn.

Nathy? Dark Rangers? Dark Hound Worgens? Customization for Forsaken to look like him?

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I regret to inform you that the whole “people in the embassy will give allied races” theory is officially dead. When Kul Tiran humans came out, Jaina was added when she never was there before. Mekkatorque, for lore reasons, has been removed.

They can just add anyone they want as needed.

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I mean, it’s probably a good thing anyway. It means that, if there’s a San’layn-related NPC that we meet down the line, he/she can just be added to the embassy. The pre-existing NPCs that are there now do not necessarily inform whether or not an allied race is likely.


I know the feels. I’m in college too and feel like I don’t do nearly enough. To be honest I wish I could draw my concepts or do model work too but I feel quite… Useless. Idk. I’m just a spokesperson it feels like and while I do write as a hobby, it’s not the most helpful thing for our cause x.X

But I know tons want ogres too and talking about it, giving theories and such is helpful by itself. You should give yourself more credit, you contribute quite a bit to it. :slight_smile:

I’ll definitely keep at this though. I was so surprised no one had started a talk for the vampyr when allied races sprang up. So I figured “why not” and started the ordeal. While I can’t draw or model-make I’m glad at least I can post pictures and put things together but anyone could do that technically hehehe!

If more information comes out on these folks I’ll make more videos too. I have a feeling we’ll see something eventually!

Also thank you very much :slight_smile: oh right I’ll do an ogre video too if provided the models. I’m good for talking about it and putting stuff together so if a community needs someone to do it, sure! As you can see my videos aren’t the best quality though.


I appreciate the gesture regarding making an Ogre-focused video, but I think it is better that you focus on what you are passionate about, especially if time is limited. I don’t really want time taken from San’layn on a race you don’t have any particular interest in. Besides, we got a new patch coming up, and all of us will be looking for clues for new allied races we want, which will cause our megathreads to be bustling, along with new videos from you of course.

We Ogre fans will figure something out. Even if I have to draw stick Ogres dancing in MS paint!


You can have more than one Allied Race interest.

True but he knows that I’m not interested in ogres, like I’m totally game for them for those that would enjoy them but I wouldn’t touch one myself.

Just so, there’s been no San’layn info and there isn’t much to say right now about them. So if anyone seeks for an organized video on their ideas for an Allied Race I’ll be happy to. And I’ll give credit of course.

There’s one I wont do a video on though and that’s lightforged undead. I’m sorry :stuck_out_tongue: I personally am not a fan of the concept and can’t find myself going out of my way to do stuff for it.