San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Oof, yeah it does >_<

Can’t believe I missed the obvious, “Tauren, the only kind of steaks I like.”

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Insert Lenny face. Oh how delightfully naughty.

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Not gonna lie, I’m proud of that one.

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nanananananana BAT-MOOOOM

Figured you guys would like this!


Dawwwwww, I love em.

(also I saw you had a Discord so I joined :3)


Hehe I’ll give the two new peeps a role so you guys don’t get confused. You’ll see channels there momentarily.

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Yay! Thankies ^w^

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Welcome to the party!!

We have cookies! But watch out for the ones with wires. They explode.



noms on cookies

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omg now I want darkfallen to have some kind of banshee shriek racial


Hah! That would be epic

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I still wonder if they’re not foreshadowing a Dark Ranger Class with such a heavy presence and the Scarlet Halls quest.

10/10 Thebest out of them all.
I swear to you in my head i just pcitured like someone drinking a caprisun XD

Ooooooooooooh my god, would love to see liadrin go full sanlayn…
not saying that could be possible but if it could. 10/10. Pallidan sanlayn would be insane combo but blizz can pull it off!


That’d take me entirely by surprise to see for sure.

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the tinfoil hat is not only tied on tight today but its polished with the shiniest of chrome spray paint.
The fumes spark ideas you see.
What if during the fall of silvermoon liadrine drops like a sack of holy potatoes.
Then, lady sylvanis transforms her into the very first sanlayn through dark ritualistic magic using (but corrupting ) the sunwell. This new fount of power turns the tide of the silvermoon warftont and establishes a figure head to lead the newly transformed.
The light does not discriminate on who gets its power, so liadrin being a undead sanlaynn will hurt allot but her conviction will be strengthened.

I was too! Yay!

brain connection!!!

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I just want to put it out here that since trying Resto Druid for the first time and loving it, I really would love if my favourite race in the game (San’layn) could be Druids. It makes total sense with traditional vampire lore, being able to travel fast as a bat swarm, or turn into a wolf-beast for physical dps. With Drust Druids expanding the definition of druidism into a darker place, it would be a logical option. Please?


Major problem though with that theory is that it’d end up killing all the blood elves and such, or severely corrupting them against the will of the player.

And San’layn druids would be so awesome. It’s one of my crazy dreams similar to wings as a baseline addition to them.

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