San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)


Darkfallen talented fans bring our NEW BLOOD KING to un-life in WoW! Show Blizz what we want! :exploding_head:

I’m so exited that picture is so cool!!! :star_struck:


I will give him at least that.

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Lor’themar carrying Ji Firepaw on his back out of Orgrimmar: “What did we learn?”

Ji: “Avoid cough the plot.”

Lor: “Correct, now lets go get some wine and ready ourselves for the next stupid thing that approaches.”


So here’s the list of win(ning ideas) for the San’layn from the past few days:

-Undead nightmare kitty for a mount
-Blood King Kael’thas (that’d be rich, especially if it’s as BA as the picture above)
-Two tone hair colors along with the standard one color (red/black, purple/black, Dark Green /black, silver/black, blood-stained, etc)
-Blood Vision

More win guaranteed to come from my fellow Bats and Blood Queen.

~Blood Duchess Balesong


((You mostly knew me as Jaheira, and for a brief time, even Ellisandre.)) I would totally roll a San’layn, even though I’m never been much into the Horde-side of things. Again, I think they could come up with a Hero Class, called the Blood Mage. It would be like tank/dps/heal specs. The tank would be similar to the Blood spec’d Death Knight. The dps, a ranged caster, who sacrifices a portion of his/her hitpoints, to deal powerful damage. And for the healing spec, it would incorporate spells that heal the caster and/or allies, while debuffing his/her foes!

Anyone like my “Blood Mage - Hero Class” idea?


Welcome back and I think it’s a cool idea for sure! Someone suggested it as a spec for Necromancer which could also work.

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Thanks to the power of insomnia and stress from college, I now present some San’layn jokes. Apologies in advance if anyone has done anything similar to these.

  1. I’ve had a hard time sleeping at night. I just can’t seem to stop my coffin.

  2. Mingling with members of the Horde is hard. They always drive me batty.

  3. Every date of mine seems to have the same comment: “Fangs a lot for the memories.”

  4. Join one of our parties, and you’ll be in for a bloody good time!

  5. I tried out in a band once using bells, but everyone kept telling me I was a dead ringer for someone they knew.

  6. Trying to find a decent meal around here can be in vein.

  7. Every time I fly around in bat form, I have a sudden urge to attack jesters and I don’t know why.

  8. I try to meet new people, but I end up sucking all the fun out of it.

  9. I tend to not be very popular. I’m told I can be quite the pain in the neck.

  10. Can I give you a blood test? I need to see if you are my type.

  11. I usually maintain a high interest in blood banks.

  12. Insulting the San’layn is a grave mistake.

  13. I had a fight with my ex awhile ago. We now have bad blood with each other.

  14. I thought about taking up an acting career. I feel like it’s in my blood.

  15. When I get into a fight with the Alliance, it seems like they’re always a high stakes battle.


dr. frankenstien must go to work. hes beeen pretttttty lazy as of late.
terrible idea but aye it might work.
two mounts. one mount for unlocking the race ( undead lynx ) and the second is a racial mount abbility like the worgen run wild. The san’laynn disintigrates into a giant bat and flaps around like a mad man.


I’m 3 wine glasses deep but this is still a good idea.
When a san’laynn dies they burn up like the cremation toy and a tiny pile of ashe remains.
also, someone posted a see invisibility racial idea… mannnn i could see the pvp rogues getting salty!
but still a great idea.

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More San’layn jokes/flirts

  1. loud straw slurping sounds What? Why is everyone looking at me like that?

  2. No I don’t care who your favourite Windrunner sister is.

  3. Helloo? Hellooo? Hellooooooo? Ugh, hows this echo thing supposed to work again?

  4. Why does everyone make fun of the noble hawkstrider? Have you ever seen an elf be dismounted cause their mount’s legs were taken out? Hmm, no? That’s what I thought.

  5. sigh No I don’t have tentacles, that’s the other-other-other elf.

  6. Humans that die turn into Forsaken, but elves become San’layn. Score one more for elves!

  7. I’m only doing the accent if I actually get something to drink, understand?

  8. Darkspear then Zandalari, if we get one more troll I’m just gonna incoherent bat shrieking sounds

  9. Look deep into my eyes… deep… deep… do I have a stray eyelash? I can’t feel anything cause I’m dead.

  10. No I don’t rent a room in the bell tower, have you SEEN the rates they charge? Absolutely crazy.

  11. I’m not drunk, I’ve only had one dwarf this evening… hic

  12. [area where recruitment quest takes place in] was merely a setback!

  13. BloodLESS elves. Less, as in none at all.

  14. Could you give me a hand with this sunscreen? I burn absolutely everywhere.

  15. My, you certainly do get my blood pumping.

  16. What’s your opinion on hickies?
    b. I give the best hickies.

  17. Oh dear, is everything alright? The longer we talk the more your blood seems to concentrate.
    b. Do you have high cholesterol or are you just happy to see me?

  18. Mmm, wait, what? No, I most certainly was not staring at your neck. I wasn’t staring at that either… okay I was totally staring at your neck.

  19. You’re in luck gorgeous, I’m O Negative.

  20. Wait, we have tauren? Tauren?! That’s great! I love my steaks rare.

(edit: apparently you can’t have separate lists in the same post)


I need them. I would sob with happiness if San’layn were added.


You and me both for sure!

Also wow guys, I wake up to some awesome brainstorming. I love it :slight_smile: you all rock. I’m too tired to add anything right now (no idea why I got like no sleep) though


The eternal mood :sleepy:

This one’s my favorite.


Yay! hehe :3

I’d watch this movie.

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Me too.

I like the idea of having two colors. I’d like to suggest a pale blonde leading to blood red on the ends. This would embody both the elegance and brutality of being a vampire of Sin’dorei origin.


Jokes/Flirts continued.

  1. Yes you all taste different. No, I’m not telling, I don’t wan’t to start a fight.
  2. Forsaken think they have it rough but at least they can still eat garlic bread.
  3. Just a little nibble to start -bleugh WHAT?! Is that bleugh cologne? No, sorry, appetite gone. more retching sounds
  4. You’re a real pain in my neck, how about some role reversal.
  5. Liadrin’s a WHAT now?
  6. Worgen? I’ve always wanted a puppy! Let me go get a leash.
  7. Don’t you wish your boyfriend was cool like me?
  8. Woke up with a real bad crick in my neck. No, the irony is not lost on me.
  9. I’m as cold as ice and twice as nice.

“You know what sucks? Eh? Oh, aside from me. BITING THE INSIDE OF YOUR CHEEK.”

Yeah, that hits home right now, uuuugh. :stuck_out_tongue: