San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

It definitely seemed like he was draining Forsaken out desperation, a last resort to gain enough strength to overpower the player character and Shandris. I imagine that the San’layn aren’t as strong as they once were due to the current Lich King’s lack of action on behalf of his subjects. They’re probably starving and struggling to find prey without revealing themselves too much.

Another thing is that no matter what your race is (usually), you have within you a drive to survive and preserve your people no matter how unnatural it is. This is what I’m getting from the San’layn.

Considering that fact that Dreven held the Alliance PC and Shandris off, acting as a diversion for our true purpose there in which we succeed, I’m fairly certain that he completed his part of the agreement. The San’layn should already be part of the Horde.

At least they’re listening to us it seems! Our hope, much like a blood-sated prince, is renewed.

Huh, never thought of this before. Damn, they could be everywhere and we wouldn’t even know it. Plus their ability to shapeshift into other races would make them the perfect infiltrators which presumably is why the Lich King replaced Dread Lords with San’layn.

The Horde could use them to gather intel on their enemies, sow discord among the alliance, and for assassinations. The Alliance wouldn’t know who to trust on their side.


Confirmed Spy Master Shaw is a San’layn King. (Joke of course)


Blood Queen is intoxicated. Rare occasion.

If a San’layn drinks a dwarf or panda… Can they get drunk?


reminds me a little of a story in witcher 3 of them using a drunk woman to intoxicate a vampire so… probably lol

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One distinctive problem with this question. We have zero anatomy knowledge for dwarfs or pandaren so we really dont know how there alcohol is processed and how much they can consume before they have a system shock.

Plus, we have a crazy problem with how san’layn consume blood. If its a conversion to energy they wouldn’t really have the intoxicated effect however, if its a consume, processed, stored, and recirculated they achieve a buzz but that requires them to have a full functioning digestive system… Even if they had this, would it be diluted? how much would a subject have to consume before they even get a blood alcohol level?

This is hurting my head.
i need a drink.
Also, what are you drinking? =D
Side question. Should we have a anatomy book? Fully fleshed out ( pun intended ) not just " magic lol " >.>


Counterpoint. Drunken cuddles.

I never thought about that. you have my vote.

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See the thing with San’layn is, I see them as close to living as an undead can get. Therefore, I assume it’s actual consumption, especially since Lana’thel says “Just a taste” and one of the Blood Princes says “I will feast”… I think, basically, that the internal functions of San’layn would all work. They’d convert the blood they consume into energy and nutrients just like how the living do with their food.

Something strange to note:
–> Dreven consumed the blood of forsaken when he interacted with them on that ship. That means you guys still have it, though less o.o
–> So, I think DK can make all of their organs function, but with death magic. The weird part is, they don’t need to, just like they don’t need to sleep. Why wouldn’t all living want to just be undead then, if it makes no difference? Well… I actually think that both sleeping and internal organs that are made to function have a benefit. Time for some biology, I have to…

So the thing is, we have no idea the purpose of sleep still. There’s many theories, most of which seem to lean on the brain ‘recharging’ and resting. Except… it’s still active, especially during the REM cycle, when you dream. So, and this is one that I think is the most accurate, a theory is proposed that it’s the refining and trimming of your synapses. Synapses are, for those that don’t know, the connections in your brain, which are always changing.

DKs that don’t sleep don’t refine this. The less you sleep, the less you can think. Why did Arthas refuse to let them sleep? To be more complacent and obey, I think. Perhaps they didn’t need it, but by not having it, they’d become more mindless, less functional, and only tools to kill. I think the same thing can be applied to any intelligent undead.

Now, let’s look at organs. Organs keep your body clean and functioning. When alive, you require them to live. As an undead, you simply do not–you can lose an organ, or have one punctured, and keep right on going. San’layn, I believe, would easily be able to heal any damage from internal organ damage manually. DK and forsaken are a different story, I think, though, since they don’t use as much blood magic, and blood is for repair.

I think it’s detrimental to lose an organ even if you don’t need it, in the case of an undead, or let it sit there without repair. Rot and decay weakens an undead just like it weakens the living. I think the lack of feeling pain can be both a benefit and detriment–pain tells you when you have an issue and where it needs to be fixed. Without it… the area rots and deteriorates faster. You eventually just fall apart. I think that there’s a benefit to keeping everything “alive” and functioning as an undead, therefore, with blood flow. You don’t rot as quickly, or you don’t rot at all, since you’re maintaining.

This also means you need the resources and/or magic to keep your body going. You need to consume more… in DK’s case, it could be killing, sapping away magic, and such. San’layn, easy, blood. Forsaken, flesh (they’re zombies).

Arthas didn’t care about powerful soldiers ad much as he did quantity. Heck, he was going to throw away all of those DK, he didn’t care. As long as they worked their purpose, even if temporarily, they could be brought back. But a DK/Forsaken/San’layn looking out for themselves would likely be more powerful taking the necessary steps of preserving themselves one way or another, including functionality.

On the topic of drinking–DK can actually get drunk, it takes way, way, WAY more though. That’s why in Court of Stars, they could drink the alcohol that’s otherwise poisonous to the living, and that there’s an alcohol that can get a DK drunk someplace or another. This means that my theories of functional organs might be correct in some way shape or form.

I had some mike’s hard lemonade mixed with moonshine. Thing is, I don’t drink often at all. I was home and safe, not out, and only do so then ^^ So I figured why not have some fun on my vacation!

YES. I WOULD LOVE THIS SO MUCH. ESPECIALLY As a biology major. Yes, I know it’s a fantasy world. But combining actual biology concepts into this would be super fun. As you can see with my very long statement.


Liek a readable ingame book that you find in some goblin scientist’s lab?

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I am actually very interested in seeing the San’layn storyline continue from where it started in BfA. I feel like it has a lot of potential for introducing San’layn as an allied race while offering interesting lore potential. I would hope they wouldn’t just randomly be put in briefly to be jobbers for the Alliance.


For those curious, the QnA section specifically where they said feedback is important is here:

So keeping the flow of ideas going is important ^^


Good luck guys. :black_heart:


Oh hey. fourteen minutes apart.

Great minds. I just dropped that in the High Elf thread. But figured it was relevant here.


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probably nice and fermented, like san’layn kombucha


Did some digging and it’s not just DKs, Forsaken can’t sleep or dream naturally either.

Which explains a lot of why we’re all demented psychopaths I guess.

Need to sleep so your brain can clear its toxins. Otherwise you’re gonna get Alzheimer’s.

Except, it’s WoW so there is no evidence any of that is true.

We just get more murder happy.


Thanks very much though, the transcript is mighty helpful regardless :slight_smile:

Being murder happy is a lot of fun though, and always will be.


If we get San’layn as an allied race, I might make mine an arms warrior, maybe with a scythe weapon if it is possible. Something about getting close and personal with the enemy to use any blood siphoning related racials just calls out to me. Warlock would be a close consideration, though.

If they can be Death Knights, I imagine Blood DK’s would be very popular. It’ll be interesting to see what they would do with the class choices.