San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Interesting (Rokhan continues to be awesome)

For awhile there I thought your character was dead and you were just watching them talk about avenging you :3

So Forsaken can have blood now? Wonder if they changed from ichor completely in the lore or if it’s a mix of both or only certain ones?

Also I love Shandris’ tacky victory dance

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A thought just occured to me. What if Sylvanas became a San’layn?

Or rather, what if her body was turned into one, so we’d have both Banshee Syl and San’layn Syl?

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Hehe she’s running away there, I happened to nab a funny shot! And it’s strange seeing you without your helm. Hmmm… If she was San’layn that’d be odd. We don’t know the process of turning yet by any means. Perhaps she could!

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Do the the Necropolises have external weapons? I can’t remember. I was just thinking if Horde got San’layn and they had some Necropolis under their command it could maybe level the playing field if the Alliance ever remember they have the Vindicar. But I might be wrong and the Vindicar might just dust the necropolises.

From her word block that’s what I figured but the visual was too good :3

And sorry! I just really like the knight look, do y’all think I should change back?


“How many Undead can you make from one corpse” is a frequent exercise that pops over on the Paizo forums.

I said version, but more in a sense of skin version. Vulperas have the same structure as goblins, you can observe it. They are the same as the goblins, only change their heads and add bodyhair.

So what are kul tirans then? They don’t share models with any others we play as

On that you got me. The Kul Tirans are a totally new model. Speaking of which, have you seen those skinny kultirans? They are the same model of forsaken.

yeah i was wondering if they’d do anything with the skinny kul tirans, thought a while back that they might have been a sort of option for the AR but it seems they were just there for NPC variety

More feedback for San’Layn, seems they are taking all into account and we might get our hard constructive work to be in game.

I for one would love to see San’layn Druids, and before you say no way. I’ve witnessed them transform into spiders in ICC. So I think there is room to make them Druids.

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I don’t know, that’s a very good question. I think the big value in them is the fact that they can hold immense armies. They have noxious goo coming off of them too, and I’m pretty sure are actually undead beings themselves… I know people are thinking SL would be good for a Necroplis on Horde to counter the Vindicar. Perhaps it could, not sure…

No! Do whatever you want <3 Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, you look fabulous, I was just saying that because it’s different from what I’m used to!

I can promise you most of us love the idea of San’layn druids, and I would be extremely thrilled to have them. Man I wish… plus, in many mythologies, vampires can transform. Please Blizzard!!!

Yeah, so the QnA thing today was interesting. This is the third time they’ve said they listen to our feedback, but I think it’s an important reassurance. It appears we might be watched… >.> <.<

flies into a wall …Darn it. Not what I meant to do. :bat:


Okies, and Thankies <3


It’s a very good thing I didn’t abandon this when I got so disappointed with the Quill. Granted that lasted like a couple days and wouldn’t be permanent. But we have to keep sharing our ideas, and how the San’layn could continue to fit into the story. Let me write some down that have been brought up:

  1. Exploring the blood curse more, and specifically how San’layn are turned.
  2. Entire underground city in Northrend. We’ve not seen that area for over a DECADE. What could be happening during this time? Quite a bit I bet.
  3. Who turned Dreven?
  4. Where are the missing blood princes from Wrath?
  5. Is there a new Blood Queen or King? Who could it be?
  6. How do San’layn hierarchies work?
  7. Did Dreven turn on the Forsaken on that ship out of desperation? It’s been said that the San’layn have no place to go, and no home. The only one that can sympathize right now unfortunately could be Sylv. If Dreven messed up that mission, and didn’t provide a long enough distraction for Horde hero to get the body, his entire race could remain doomed.
  8. How has Blood Elf culture been twisted and changed for the San’layn? More regal, more dark? Do they hunt their victims?
  9. How do those blood crystals work? Does blood need to be harvested for them? Where do they get it?
  10. So… IS the quill previously lana’thel’s, or just an inspiration?

They could be anywhere really, Valanar masqueraded as Counselor Talbot in borean tundra.

Not farfetched to think the other San’layn could do the same.


I’d like it if we also went back and retrieved/repaired the Xenedar. Perhaps it could tie in with the missions to recruit the Krokul. Then we bring it back to Azeroth, repair the Exodar, get it a visual rework/remake, and use the three as sort of a floating draenei city complex. that can be repositioned like Dalaran does.

As for a necropolis, it’d have been neat if the Undercity was one, and they just raised it up out of the ruins of Lordaeron and flew it away.

Yet…I fully expect that rig to be used for Mok’nathal, and I wouldn’t even mind if it was reused multiple times as a base for Vrykul and Ogres. Currently Vrykul seem to use an Orc rig, and if Mok’nathal use the KT rig, it kinda makes sense, plus it’ll straighten out their neck more.

I’d be surprised if they don’t reuse the rig after all the work to make it.

Yep, focusing more on death and decay, but embracing the shape changing aspect of vampires.

Speaking of which…anyone catch the Love, Death, and Robots episode “Sucker of Souls”’?

“Shape-shifters” was quite good as well.

Could be allied or on friendly terms with nerubians too as they were featured in the dungeons related to them.


Some goodish news regarding the pen, apparently the Miasma needed to craft it can drop from any Trolls in Nazmir, not just those in/around The Underrot.

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They have stated that not making the bug Dungeons into their own zones was one of their biggest regrets in the entire game. So they probably think about it a lot.

I’m actually surprised we’re not doing more underground stuff, what with our planet being skewered and all. Maybe 8.3 since were getting Mechagon in 8.2.

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Wasn’t that done in one of the books back during MoP?

I think they unrepaired it to make the Vindicar.

I don’t remember it if it was, shame it’s not represented in game, if so.