San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

the only thing your wrong about is that transmog. snapsfingers

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narrows eyes

lowers faceplate

readies Heroic Leap in 3, 2, 1…

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N-no not the face not the face!!!

  • Rubs hearthstone to make it go faster *
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(yes I have that Glyph :3)


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Very well thought out and worked on. Commend you for putting so much effort into it :slight_smile:

I can back this, But with them i’d like to introduce a 4th spec - for Mages or Warlocks…maybe even Death knights to give us Plate DPS/Support casters - And that is Blood Mage.

Be nice to have a mage that uses their Health for offensive spells, and sap the enemies to heal themselves and others around them.


Thanks for the support guys ^^ and I think a blood mage spec would be lovely.


Well, regardless if I think the idea is good or not, it should not happen, at least as an allied race.
It is already clear that the allied races are nothing more than versions of races already existing in the game, being only a allied race to each traditional race.
Just watch the current ones. First, night elves received their version, nightborns, along with the void elves, the blood elves version. Then Draeneis received their lightforgeds, and Taurens their hightmountais. This followed by Orcs and Dwarves. Now come the humans and the trolls, Kultirans and Zandalaris.
The gnomes and goblins are the next, which will ( probably) be the Mechagnomes and vulperas.
For that account, there are the worgens and the forsaken on the line. That’s why I believe that new elves are discarded.

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Flips hair


blink blink

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While not the highest on my list of Allied Race priorities, I would LOVE to see the Horde get playable San’layn, and I would definitely play as one of these vampire elves if given the chance.



So they are versions of existing races only… Are vulpera related to goblins?(still want them)

San’layn, however, are undead and thus they count as related


I agree! San’layn, are considered as an Undead version of Blood Elves, who were once followers of Kael’thas, while going to Outlands. They were killed by Arthas’ Scourge army, and were revived as San’layn, an Undead Scourged Blood Elf! Therefore, while a Forsaken are Undead Humans of Lordaeron, San’layn are Undead Blood Elves, who once hailed from Quel’thalas!


I love how active this thread has been lately :grinning:


Me too! I was surprised at that too. I feel like the megas are up and in action again lately because people are thinking: “what’s next?”


Sounds about right. For all of BFA’s issues I’m genuinely interested in where the story is heading and eagerly await for news regarding features of 8.2 and 8.3.

Hell, I’m on pins and needles waiting for the first official in-game images of those new swole Jinyu we’ll be meeting, but that’s a whole 'nother thread :smirk:


So I probably said this before, but I want to say it again.

I know, best case scenario, we want wings. But we might not have a chance, so just in case, I think either a blood mist or cloud of bats (better) racial would work. I’m thinking like zen flight, pretty much. Druids have instant flight form, monks zen flight, worgen running wild, so why not us with this “flight racial”?

You might say: “Well, no, OP”, but it’d be as slow as zen flight, and you’d need to cast it (or maybe not, it’d be fair if you didn’t have to maybe). But anyway, just a thought. They’re slow because they’re concentrating on keeping form ^^


((Off-Topic… How and what level does a Monk have to be, to get Zen Flight???))

wowhead says 70, since it’s technically flight. or whenever druid unlock their flight form (which is 60 right?) it’s a glyph

Guys. I know I’m like… many, many, MANY months late. But I don’t care. I did it, I did it, I did IT :smiley:
