San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Yea the animations for The male Sanlayn seem to be blood elf but the model looks more night elf.

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I got Prince Taldaram on my Druid and the animations looked lovely.

Oh… oh I see…

I got super excited and thought you found some undead druid forms or something.

Man… I gotta keep my overactive imagination corralled a bit better :smile:

No but It would be the caster form. I don’t think they’ll make druid scourge forms unless there is a death expansion.

I mean, there’s totally gonna be a death expansion tho

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Yup : ). And i’m thinking sanlayn will be an allied race if it comes up.

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I wished I could afford the toy. I’m broke at the moment.

I just keep forgetting or not getting around to it. Been slowly making my way through the first Chronicle book. Need to order the next =]

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I GOT IT :smiley:

“My Queen…”

“The spirit of Lana’thel is within us all, bats…”


Using the transmorpher?

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Yep! Transmorpher on one toon, and I have multi accounts so that DK (coincidentally my first San’layn toon) ended up getting Lana’thel :stuck_out_tongue: So basically I used narscissca’s mirror on my pet, then a biscuit, brought Falls on over, then used prism on her, did the same thing with Falls’s pet, and boom :smiley:


Lana’thel is best loa. Bwonsamdi will just have to move over.

So does it say “San’layn Hunter” if you’re a hunter or “San’layn Death Knight” if you’re a Death Knight?

…That woulda been wise for me to check, er, oops… lemme see if I can get her again :stuck_out_tongue:


Lanathel related, my attempts to craft Shadowmourne ground to a halt due to her machinations (need to bring some poor ba-I mean friends to drink from for the fight).

But at least I finally got the helm I was after, I’m all knighty now :3

Definitely a floating Scourge citadel like a vampire/blood themed version of Acherus would make a perfect ‘start zone/base’ for San’layn just like Uther’s tomb would be great for Redeemed. especially since the latter has a (currently locked and inaccesible) gate and stairs going down into a new underground chamber. Calia wanting to oust Sylvanas and take over rulership of the Forsaken makes WPL a perfect striking point if they in some way make Undercity ‘livable’ for the Forsaken again by the end of BFA or plans to take it over in her absence.


I’m still not sold on the Calia as a replacement thing. Or Menethil rulers as a whole. The last one died on us and his replacement murdered all of us.

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Well. she WANTS to take rulership of the Forsaken from Sylvanas. That’s a story goal, not something that actually has to happen in lore or especially in-game. Umbric and Alleria want the blood elves as a whole to return to the Alliance, and we all know how likely that is to happen (read=zero).

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I wouldn’t mind if they show her growing into a leader before she becomes one, but so far the feeling I’ve gotten from her what what little we know is “I’m of the royal bloodline so I get to be queen.”

I’d love to be wrong.

Umbric and Alleria are precisely why the Blood Elves aren’t rejoining. And Jaina.

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this is glorious!!