played back from beta. Back to play pvp…but horde wins about 90% of the games now. i know the topics…but there is no way to fix this? seems like most allies only pvp and they almost always are in groups together and stomp.
Can’t get into groups to do pve so you guys take over PvP. Alli also seems to be more toxic with the tea bags and the laugh/rude gesture emote as well.
and i ask a nice question and a get a horde baby crying. sigh…
good players beat bad ones its not faction specific.
also its not a real war and most pvpers play both factions so your “oh poo its a horde guy” comment is funny/stupid.
I would need to see some stats before I believe the W/L ratio is biased to whichever side. Looking at your bg stats, the majority of your BGs are sitting at around a 50% win rate. Curious to see if the majority of the alliance population has the same ratio.
again a horde answer. A lot of people moved to horde…no problem. and yes people play both sides…but i see ally getting destroyed…i am just curious why? game is a game…
Kind of vague post/lacking details…
- are you playing regulars or epics?
- what time of day you playing?
- are you running into premades?
yeah is good be diff servers that changes to ratios too. dont know
1 regs
2 morning/afternoon
3 nope
Hmmmm, supposedly Ally plays well in the mornings. I dunno what to tell you
Could be you’re just running into lots of 240+ players, since 229 is kind of average iLvL by now. Having low gear in a small 10-man BG is rough.
My guess is better gear. Horde has more people so it’s easier to yolo into higher rating and upgrade gear. It’s also more fun for geared character to play with higher changes to win. I bet many geared alliance don’t queue random BGs as much.
I play an alt right now and my reflex add-on shows 4-16 wins versus losses atm
merc mode says horde doesn’t have more players.
Huh? That’s exactly what it says…
Merc mode only unlocks for the side with more players q’ing up.
I win epic more often as horde for some reason but I find alliance in general has a better chance in normal BGs.
However I suspect that many high rated alliance players queue together in groups to better their odds of winning so alliances better geared players seem to go in together and aren’t spread out over the queue. This is my theory anyway, all the times recently I’ve lost vs alliance it’s usually a one sided fight vs a much more geared team. Very few close matches.
There’s nothing to fix.
Any perceived issues are player-driven.
Horde and Alliance are not “real life” factions. We all come from the same pool of human beings.
Thanks Krom. Thats a good answer…most players cant make a good reply w/o ‘you suck’ or ‘must be a kid’. I was just trying to understand why my pvp games are like 3-20 in the last 2 days
The idea that alliance are grouping up to stomp random battelgrounds is a conspiracy theory by horde that makes no sense. Alliance are terrible at pvp. If you lose to alliance as horde, you’re probably losing to horde mercenaries rather than a group of organized alliance. Alliance are woefully casual and bad at the game. Being casual and bad is fine, but alliance takes the cake in that respect.
/Sigh… You have a 50% win rate in almost everything. I haven’t played at all this week but the past 4 weeks I played 20 games. Alliance won 19 of those I lost one on my alliance shaman and 2 of 2 on my orc DK.
It’s almost as if alliance are fine?
What would you suggest Blizzard do, if there was an actual problem? Lol
Get rid of factions. The horde is stacked in all aspects of the game except being casual and roleplaying. It makes it obnoxious to play as alliance. Good players are like 70-30 split in favor of the horde and I see no reason to keep the factions alive and not let horde and alliance play together. Especially in an expansion that is predicated on them fighting for the same cause.
oh…i was horde…factioned about 9 months ago