I’ve reported the guy dozens of times now, yet the AH botting continues. I know he is botting due to a) being on 24/7 b) doing the same, easy to bot sniping behavior the entire time c) swapping to the 2nd snipe on a timer if 1st is bought out.
Ive reported ingame and even emailed the cheat help team (the email you guys provided), and yet here is he day in and day out doing the same exact thing. He has certainly earned more than enough to purchase a second account after botting on this one - he doesn’t even need a max leveled character for it.
Should I get into botting? Evidently its not banable. Would be more than happy to provide the info./more detail about the person Im referring to.
Specific botting behavior bc CS rep. claims I have no clue what I’m talking about -
It sets up a bait item at a heavily undercut price. The purpose is to instantly snipe someone not paying attention when they blindly post mats at prevailing price. If you purchase the bait item, they will swap to the 2nd snipe item on a precise 1min40sec timer after the first bait item was purchased out. This continues indefinitely, ad nauseam. There are no addons that can legally automate this behavior according to blizz TOS. 3+ weeks of this behavior.
I have a video of him swapping from snipe 1 to snipe 2 on a precise 1m40sec timer after being bought out - continuing indefinitely. How much more concrete does it have to get than that. Ignoring the fact they’ve been doing 24/7 for 3+ weeks.
Bots a generally never actioned against here and there. Blizzard bans in mass, after careful investigation, working out how to detect and break the bot.
How do you know this, have you been playing 24/7 for 3+ weeks too?
Yes, im what we call a “crackhead gamer” that plays at various times throughout the day. Given my depth in play schedule, I’m pretty confident in my statement.
Its not a remotely complex bot. It snipes the AH around the clock and swaps between snipes on a concrete EXACT timer. If a human checked the logs for 30 seconds its pretty obvious.
Ok, but again Blizzard will ban in mass - and for a very good reason - it gives the bot makers little to no warning. Otherwise the bot makers making changes to avoid further detection.
I understand that you may believe you are certain that they are botting, Sheilla, but you really don’t have any way of knowing. If you have reported them there are two possibilities.
One, the investigation is still ongoing and our Hacks team has not yet taken action. They often will wait once a bot is verified to try to figure out how the bot works so that they can do more than just catch the one but have a much broader impact by hitting those others that may not have been reported.
Two, you are wrong in your suspicions. There are a number of legitimate addons that help players navigate the Auction House and scan for high-value items, including some functionality to help them snipe those items and/or replace their auctions to underbid. It is also difficult to verify that someone has been on 24/7 unless you yourself have been on 24/7 to witness it.
I get the frustration, Sheilla, but if you’ve reported them you have done all you can do.
Hopefully, this is just a tongue in cheek comment, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t say … I’d highly recommend against that, Sheilla. I’d hate for you to find how wrong you are by losing access to your account.
Be sure to forward that to hacks@blizzard.com, that is the best option. Nothing will come of posting here, we cannot initiate an investigation as a result.
Its not some complex high tech bot. Its a simple AH script. They’re not trying to reverse engineer this, they just dont care. The fact that it operates on a precise timer shows how simple the code is.
Wow you have invalidated my entire point!
It sets up a bait item at a heavily undercut price. The purpose is to instantly snipe someone not paying attention when they blindly post mats. If you purchase the bait item, they will swap to the 2nd snipe item on a precise 1min40sec timer after the first bait item was purchased out. This continues indefinitely, ad nauseam. Trust me, I am not remotely confused about this being suspicious behavior and there are no addons that can legally do this according to blizz TOS.
At this rate, I don’t think I’d have to worry about that.
Yes, the thousands upon thousands of hours across not only the Hacks team but other development, QA, and systems teams with the constant efforts to address exploitation and botting certainly illustrates a lack of caring. O.o
I get it, Sheilla, you see an issue with an individual, something you believe is easily addressed because you also believe you know all the facts involved. The problem is, you don’t. You don’t have full insight into what is happening or what our efforts are nor the data involved around everything that we do and have done. You see one data point that you believe you have a verifiably measure for and that is all that matters.
I wish it were so easy, Sheilla, but it isn’t. A lack of immediate action or the specific action that you believe should take place isn’t remotely close to not caring.
You’ll do what you believe you should, Sheilla. Good luck to you.