Same-Faction Battlegrounds and More

This, so much this.

You shouldn’t know what BG you’re in. This has been abused since the beginning and is a clear exploit. We know it’s a toggle, please turn it off.

A much more realistic solution than the previous test. Any chance you can elaborate on what are inside the loot boxes?

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Keep catering to the horde. Soon no alliance will exist. Thanks blue for getting me to quit wow.



I’m actually going to play BGs this week.


2-3 Netherweave 20 silver and a Super Healing potion


god i hope not :rofl:

I’m struggling to understand why addressing majority/minority faction concerns conflict with your stated goals, but the entire initiative of same-faction battlegrounds itself isn’t cause for conflict.

The optics are just discomforting to see. It reads as though you want to justify same-faction battlegrounds almost regardless of consequence. When asked to consider those consequences, you express hesitation to address it?


news flash… ur lv18. You wont be missed.


Not a big fan of this, especially pre-Cata where there’s no rated battlegrounds. If there are as many premades as you suggest, then there shouldn’t be any problem to make it so that if you queue as a premade, you only get queued against premades.


Holy crap, the sheer level of incompetence here is staggering. It’s just fascinating to watch you lose players with every decision at this point; no idea why that’s the goal, but it’s working.


I have a few problems with this change, giving Alliance goodie bag is not a good idea as this will encourage bots / afker to just spam queue as alliance to get free stuff, this will impact the quality of the group we get on alliance side and essentially make it worst in all scenarios.

This is not the right way to approach it, a fix in PvP racial might be the only solution at this point if you want to make it fair for both side.

While racials are not as game breaking as some people like to make it sound, they do have an impact on the game that needs to be considered.

Horde getting 2 hours queue is dumb but it directly reflects the impact of racials in PvP as most PvP oriented player will pick Horde side, I would have too but I knew when I started playing that horde queue would be much longer due to the fact that most PvPer will pick horde faction due to their racials.

Fixing horde queue time is a good thing for the game but if you are making fix for one faction you need to do it for both.

Either way, even if you don’t fix alliance please DO NOT add goodie bag as this will only increase the number of bots and afker on alliance side and make it worst for the serious PvPer.


Sure, let me just get my elemental oils as I prep myself to get wrecked by a fully flasked and consumed up premade as I have to wrangle my team of solo queuers who can’t bother reading announcements or chat or sitting still on an objective.

Makes sense for ally on dead servers or servers full of zugzugs (ex: Herod’s 20% ally pop or Skeram’s 1 or 2 ally players) as farming in the open world is impossible, but on balanced servers, not so much.

Who would ever want to play with 6 or more people at a time in an MMO? Like what kinda crazy talk is that? This is a game for mindless keyboard facerolling, not things like ‘coordinating’ and ‘thinking’. Now the game design could promote premade v premade to make a competitive high level of BG play, but that would be too smart I guess.

I think this should be expanded. Lets make it so PvE raids are limited to groups of 5 max and the other 20 are random matches. Its an MMO right, its about never working with large groups of people.


its ok, majority of the horde will pay faction change in wotlk classic for the free trinket racial.


It’s only a test guys…

I sure if people complain and make good suggestions for premade vs premade it will happen. Let them fix one thing at a time.


ok it doesn’t make any sense to punish the majority of the people for playing the game. people play horde because they want to play with their friends so the only incentivization should be to faction change. free faction changes to alli/ no faction changes to horde. (faction changes and server transfers are not the same thing) not screwing bgs for horde. sabotaging the game for one faction isn’t the answer. especially when the majority of people play that faction. to keep the integrity of the game the same faction bgs have to be added back. horde that want to pvp have to be allowed to do so. premades have to be encouraged… but not required. if you only let horde play battlegrounds for a week of course everyone is gonna go nuts we’ve only been able to play the game for a week and how long has it been out? loot boxes take out the need to play the game so you’re just getting free loot for nothing isn’t gonna increase alliance if the alliance is just gonna need to spend less time playing

No they wont… you underestimate how much people just hate alliance on a whole.

Because they are a group of coordinated trolls that are complaining about " Racials being too op!!" AS IF they are in the top 0.1% of the skill gap in TBC where racials may matter.

As if… Perception isn’t the most broken ability ever introduced pre-nerf.


Player behavior will influence changes.

Could you also test PVP and PVE servers having separate BG queues? Sick of getting PVE server afkers every game.