Safe Space forum section

I have noticed that the moderators here are atypical compared to what I’m used to.

I’ve had support tickets in which the moderators “argue back” with me about the subject matter itself of a post, rather than addressing the issue as a moderator and sticking to forum policy. It’s strange for them to share their personal opinions in a support ticket (and it’s even weirder that they think that I’m concerned with that).


Mhm you know what it is.



I’ve moderated forums longer than some here have been alive and some of the things I’ve seen from them makes me shake my head.


No because the definition of what constitutes these offenses is HIGHLY subjective.


This is where I come to scream.


And cry, don’t forget that


and jonas threads :sunglasses:


People got banned in the previous forums for disgreeing often because it was “common sense” back then that disgreeing was trolling. I got banned back then for it. At that time, you emailed the mods. They emailed back and said it was trolling. You could also email wowcmfeedback if you had mod issues. Bashiok emailed me back and said “you did nothing wrong” and removed it. Surprising since that email, it said do not expect a reply.


I used to post quite a bit some years ago too. Then all of a sudden it felt like the mods just went scorched earth. I couldn’t say anything without a forum ban, so I figured they didn’t want me around anymore and left /shrug. But now the forums are different with these trust levels, like they are almost encouraging people to post nonsense every waking minute.

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Its existence would be irrelevent to me

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People abusing the report option are just proving you are right.


Safe spaces don’t exist.


You could always do what “Yahoo Comments” did. Just shut it all down and completely remove any kind of debate or conversation from the situation. That lasted for a year or so and now they are back, just as contentious and rowdy as ever if not more so. I enjoy arguing myself, so I was probably one of the (many, many) reasons they shut it all down. People are contentious, it’s our nature and there is no “safe space” but the grave.

I wholeheartedly agree. This is what the Safe Space section could counter. Imagine if people steady false flagged in places like CS, this type of behavior wouldn’t be a thing.

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i mean, that’s how it works. try the “but everyone else is doing it!” argument next time you get pulled over for speeding if you think it’ll help

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Yes they do, theres many places with them

Some have nice cushioned rooms and you wear a hug jacket


No they really don’t.

Not a big fan of jokes I see


If you don’t realize that the OP is trolling then you are literally three days old


Most people don’t think of a forum as a place to build a following cult or to go look for attention they just want an answer and the simplest of post are often diverted to a topic that OP never intended to talk about or asked for.

Most post don’t need 1000 or so comment they just need an answer, 1, and everyone can than move on.