This is an excellent idea. As someone that is rather timid when it comes to both posting and receiving replies, it would be nice to know I would be in a section where I’m protected. General discussion can be very intimidating for people such as myself.
I’ve never seen it active. Stopped checking.
Those are adorable I would love to visit, boop them all, and maybe steal just four or five of them
They’re confusing at times to say the least
The fact Arrakoa have more fleshed out lore than some of the playable races are hilarious
Some people at blizz reaaaallly like them bird people, and I agree with them entirely
Values of light forged draenei:
- The light
- Purging evil
(End of list)
This is on point.
stops to breathe
Wouldn’t they need to then hire staff to do this job? If so, then why not just do it in the regular forums?
Better chance of stopping botters, imo
One possible good thing about them - perhaps if you use them for roadwork, it’ll come with street lights.
I still want to see an army of lightforged draenei all drop off flying mounts above ogrimmar at some point
So all their explode of death racials just go over and carpet bomb people flagged for pvp
This is what multiboxers should be using their powers for, not evil.
Remember when they would send in armies of lowbies to spell out their url in major cities?
I’m feeling pretty attacked right now.
“Safe space”
Can’t imagine why a thread like this would ever be flagged!
a lot of the issues would be solved if they would make the cool off period 3 months instead of half a year. that’s just absurd.
Have you just decided to go full troll, Kiper?
…and its not even sunday.
Can’t imagine why a thread like this would ever be flagged!
Which only helps to solidify my idea.
Want to know the kicker? I can go in and create threads and reply.
But dont wanna, i caught the Rona 3 days ago
I think more posters would feel safer
Making a post that then gets destroyed by the “toxic” Is that not a form of self harm. How exactly does someone not feel safe posting on a forum?