Safe Space forum section

That’s very true. If you dare say “warthin” you’ll be flagged relentlessly.


My point is you were making the claim that safe spaces get a bit gatekeepery and silencing bigots. I’d say silence would at least be preferable over “Okay we’re just gonna kill you” like non LGBT have done to LGBT in the past. Aka kinda why folks started working on safe spaces in more recent times.

The trans panic thing was just me making a joke because that’s a thing folks use to get light sentences if they killed a trans person. I myself am Trans and yet I get no silly Cisgender Panic excuse?

Again. Bit of a dark joke but that was for me

And no I’m not trying to make any threat to folks. Just a lil disclaimer there.

A more condensed version would be folks that don’t need a safe space whining about not being able to talk in a group and someone responds with a “but did you die?” meme.

The only thing “safe spaces” do is attract trolls on one end, and give power trips to admins in the other.

Honestly this request is redundant.

Having regular rules in GD with mods to enforce them is enough.

As you should be.

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I want the opposite. I want a section of the forums where there are no rules enforced (at least topic and profanity at the minimum).

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God I would absolutely love the pure chaos from this.

Can only imagine how entertaining it’d be.

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Yeah, everyone wants that, and then you get /b/

Nobody wants to see /b/ again.

Bro that already exists its called 4chan.

I kid. I know some parts of that site have rules. Its not all /b/

So you’re a hypocrite? Mocking me for being confused and trying to show me as un-intelligent because i couldn’t understand what he was trying to reference.

but wanting a safe space for people?

Thanks for showing me exactly what i was trying to point out. I appreciate it :slight_smile:

When talking about safe spaces, i envison AA meetings, Therapists, Mental health seminars. Places where people can gather in a friendly, welcoming environment to talk about their feelings/problems/past, without regret and repercussions from others in the room.

Not “hey, does my MoG look okay?” and someone going “EWWWW GROSS” on a games forums.


Sometimes safe spaces are just “Bro I just wanna vibe with another human”

It varies

Your version exists. Its just it also sounds like a place that would cost a good chunk of change to go to and money is tight for a lot of people.


If your post gets hidden, it was not me.

Not gonna get it by asking for a super safe space like OP did.

All it’ll do is have people with burner accounts hop in to post spicy singles.

Honestly, it looks great. Like a more butch Captain Ron in orc-format

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Well duh. Its a kiper thread. All they do is this.

Its why I figured “Well the thread is still up. Time to go in swinging”


I agree. I have no issue with people wanting to have a space where they can talk amongst themselves and share their feelings. I also never mentioned the LGBT+ because that generally leads to touchy subjects, and i wanted to keep it mildly respectable ;D

My issue is with the “you wont/dont belong here” mentality that this seems to stem from. Control WHO gets to make posts and who cant. based on a subjective bias of what “safe” is that day.

I get ya. I just brought up lgbt folks because folks tend to think us when you mention a safe space.


I appreciate it, Not gonna lie, orcs are some of the few races that actually look decent in leather (outside of Belf)

It’s crazy to me that you keep hammering down on this “control” idea where only certain people are allowed to post. Did you even read the handful of sentences that make up the OP?

It’d likely end in failure one way or another.

Either due to no one posting there or Blizzard takes your suggestion to mutates the forums into something that no one bothers with.

Control definition:
To order, limit, or rule something, or someones actions or behavior