Saddest questline goes to

I forgot the name of the quest, but it centered around a group of light calvarymen who were ordered to charge into a wave :ocean: of zombies in the middle of the night. Long story short, they were all wiped out :slightly_frowning_face:. It was hard to see.

The Runas questline didn’t really phase me much, junkie got what he deserved I guess?

The saddest for me recently certainly has to be both the entire War of the Thorns event and also Brennadam. The part where you have to go save the civvies from Teldrassil was heartwrenching, and also you could hear the screaming when you went through the zone of Darkshore. Actually on that event too it inspired the hell out of me when I saw massive raids of Alliance on Hippogriphs and Snowy Gryphons pushing back the Horde in PvP during that event.


For me it’s a junkie that wished he were better. Did everything he could reasonably do to help someone else 
 didn’t have anything to fix his problem.

As someone with a severe medical condition who without meds – would end up on painkillers and, ultimately, dead – I can relate. The hope
 only to die and fail. But not entirely fail
 to still hold on and remain in purgatory. You refuse to entirely cave
 Perhaps it’s easier to give in and die though. Days I wonder

This one.

Runas was sad, but we spent 10 minutes with Margaux and i was ready to do some murdering after her questline,

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Battle for darrowshire for me.

I know someone in the Barrens who would gladly help you commit genocide on the quillboars.

But to the topic, Chen Stormstout’s speech at the grave is what I think is one of the saddest things in the game.

I don’t recall the details, but there was a quest years ago where I had to murder a peaceful, defenseless cow in Booty Bay. Still feel bad about that one.


Stonetalon Mountains (Cata) for sure. Where you work for a sinister Orc determined to nuke a school of innocent druids of both Tauren and Night Elves. Cliffwalker’s son is killed by this Orc general and Garrosh grabs him by the neck at the end only to throw him off of Cliffwalker’s rise after the Orc abandoned his honor in having you killing Cliffwalker’s wife and almost killing Cliffwalker’s son. He was going to throw you, the player off as well, but Cliffwalker ended up vouching that you kept your honor.

There were a few in Mist, after we cause the destruction of the jade tower in the jade forest. We find out the what it’s true purpose was.
What Garrosh did to the vale was a sad moment.

Each expansion has had a few heart string pulling moments.

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I always watch the Ysera cinematic when I quest through Val’sharah. It’s so beautiful, but so sad. I’m not a big Tyrande fan, but her reaction to Ysera’s death is very raw and genuine, and it adds to the emotion.

Bridenbrad gets me on a personal level, too, and I’m sure a lot of people can relate. Watching a loved one slowly die from a condition that cannot be cured is a horrible, horrible thing that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. But the part that hits me hardest is actually the ending, when he passes on to paradise eternal. I really do hope that’s what it’s like at the end, when your suffering ends and you can finally rest.


I didn’t realize the backstory of Bridenbrad until recently (short version: Brother of a Blizzard employee who died from cancer and is immortalized as the NPC Bridenbrad).

For me, there’s one in WoD Nagrand (“The Debt We Share” may be the title, not sure) 
 basically you help an old, dying Orc shaman pass away peacefully and be reunited with his wife. At the time one of my parents was still alive and mourning the other, so this was especially relevant to me.

There’s also a quest in the Blasted Lands where you are trying (in vain, it seems) to stop the enslavement of Murlocs. All those times Murlocs made my life hell in Elwynn and now I’m trying to save them, can’t, and I get madder about that fact as it goes along.

Fallen Protectors fight in the Siege raid.

Velen unknowingly killing his own son.

Swamp of Sorrows questline that ends with Magtoor dying (“Remember the Light”).

Personally, for me, one of the toughest to deal with comes after the end of the Siege raid where you get sent to the Vale to meet up with Lorewalker Cho, and plant the tree. What he says as he recaps the events of the xpac (finishing with “Such a loss 
 such a terrible loss”) and how he says it always made me very sad. I wanted to reach over and pat the guy on the back. It was one of those moments where I felt teleported into the game, as if I really knew Cho, he was my friend and it was just the two of us who understood the gravity of it all.

As for Runas, yes, it is sad, but I wouldn’t rate it among the saddest. It is, however, very poignant and well-done.

But what Runas shares with Cho, of course, is the voice actor: Jim Cummings does both roles. His talent is what makes those moments really stand out.


I actually find it really hard to be emotionally concerned or sadden about anything that goes on in WoW. Other MMOs I can do so, but WoW I just find it hard to really care about anything that happens that is suppose to be sad

Sadder yet it was a dedication to someone passing of cancer.

no kidding
 my son turned me on to this game and didn’t warn me about my pal
 when I found out I literally cried for such a long time after that storyline
 my son was super touched that I got so into the storyline
 he later quit and went to FFXIV 
but not me. I still to this day go into my garrison to find the always hiding Admiral :)
 I will never forget you AT!

I will always have Admiral Taylors ring
 so I feel you!!

Gonna add the Cipher of Damnation quest line from TBC, that’s a pretty feely one with old Oronokk and his sons. Shows us the pain and regret at the point of orc’s spiritual sundering from their planet and the sacrifices the Torn-Hearts took to try and correct the damage.

For me, this quest was the saddest I’ve ever encountered.


Nothing is sadder than allowing a child to float away on a balloon you know is going to pop eventually.


Winna’s Kitten is the saddest. I felt about an inch tall after finishing that quest.

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Rhea was a monster. She captured Nyxondra and forced her to lay egg after egg (basically raping her) so they can be experimented on. She later orders us to kill Nyxondra and a dozen of her babies.