Sad that no other games were able to compete with wow arena

Every time i ask someone what im suppose to play if i quit wow pvp i get

Dark souls pvp
League of legends.

These are not valid alternatives. I checked on Zeal today and some other failed kickstarter projects… all dead.


wow arena is propped up by being in wow


Which is a blessing. Seeing a ton of r1 players now doing pve in either m+, Wrath or SOD

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The video game industry is Large enough to rival Hollywood and the music industries.

I dont see how there is NO serious competition for a 17+ year old game.

Probably same reason Hollywood no longer makes good movies lol.


You could try FFxiv pvp :woman_shrugging:t5: I tend to enjoy it

If they allowed macros without penalty and didn’t have cast animations and 2 second gcds it would be ok.

Needs lots of changes to even be close to wow arena

Souls PvP really has the potential to be a serious contender for amazing PvP, but DAMN is it disqualified in the worst way by its netcode.

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Imagine if blizzard took away the macro ability to combine spells, and everything was on the global cooldown so one button each to press… Show players how truly BLOATED wow is lol.


CC was okay, but it died because the rewards were horrible and they didn’t add to it at all after the first season. Plus the GCD and animation lag/snapshotting made the game feel sloooow.

I enjoy it alot myself
only thing holding it back is the netcode making everything feel laggy

I don’t know about Dark Souls, but tbh mobas in general are trash (imo), and Paladins is just scuffed Overwatch.

Having said that, what do you not like about Overwatch?

If you just mean because there is no other good mmorpg pvp game, I get that.

I’m working on it, hang in there

“battlerite” but it has a very low playerbase. amazing game, though

Only 20% of it is in PC games…

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I like it as well but the slow net code issues are really noticeable in PvP. When your heals fly through the air like rockets needing to lead the shot in order to make sure someone doesn’t die feels bad.

I DO really like that they totally changed their PvP reward structure, made a new game mode, moba’fied their classes and made it so that a healer isn’t necessary which fixed their queue time issues from old feast.

If they could fix the net code issues for PvP it would be amazing.

Talk about game bloat, imagine players doing their rotations with 30 hot keys on their little phone screens lol.

WoW will never be and should never be a mobile game.

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dark souls pvp is more like world pvp since its just ganking lol

I would never underestimate the Weirdness or Insanity up at Blizzard lol.

Which is the best part and I’m glad someone else mentioned it, healers are supports and not gods