Sad that no other games were able to compete with wow arena

VRising is the best PVP Game I’ve played in a long time, made by the Battlerite team.

But even in that game the number of people that PVE dwarf the people that PVP.

The actual PVP game mechanics and fluidity of the game are 10/10 though.

This is why I have been advocating for WoW to just make the tournament realm the defacto realm for wow arena and pvp.
I just want to log on and play the 6 classes I enjoy playing without having to farm gear etc. Then you could give healers a DPS prio token and more people would roll healers since it would be so easy to do so.

Great, more fragmentation.

Just what we need. And the inability to play our toons in both PvP and PvE.

Have we not learned from history that segregation is not a great way to run a community?

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Arena is already a closed off minigame anyway. 80% of the arena community only logs on to play arena. I get some ppl also pve but that is a tiny minority

That’s one of the excuses they used to use for segregation too.

Yeah. Honestly I am biased. I personally just want wow arena to be like league.

You should be able to solo queue up, select all the classes you can play and have keybinds for and then the matchmaking systems just queues you up with the best combo it can find and you login as that class. this would be my dream game

So, learn programming and go make it. The only thing stopping you, is you.

Thats me. While waiting for solo que im usually off doing random quests or something. To me I thinks its strange people just stand around and wait in que. I play MMOs to play all aspects of them, not just one part. If I wanted pure pvp I wouldnt be playing WoW and I think thats true for the vast majority.

battlerite is probably the closest thing to it. And Arena of Kings 2 is a wow arena clone which is still in development.

thats it. end of list

Black Desert Online pvp is super fun… they also have arenas now that are gear capped so you dont have turbo sweaties gear checking you