Sad Server Transfer News from a GM

do you actually play wow or just sit in these forums all day?

i played from 1am to 9am ish. why? i prefer to play in the mornings.

because you’re constantly here in these forums s***posting. just wondering. so your day is 8 straight hours of wow (wow…) and then another 4-5 hours s*** posting in the official forums? yikes

i’m disabled. i’m sure you’ll find some way to attack me over that as well. have a good night dude.

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Cause god forbid they fix the problem they created for the money we are already paying them. Nah, lets rely on paid server transfers to solve their problem.

And people celebrating this like blizz is doing them a solid is blowing my mind.

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what would you rather them do though? if they open free transfers horde is still not going to heartseeker. with paid transfers the pvers stuck on pvp servers will be able to get off of them and be able to play again.

Well for starters they shouldn’t have screwed it up in the first place. This isn’t 2004, they knew exactly how this would play out, we all did.

Anyone who is shocked by this outcome either is brain dead or wasn’t alive/too young to have played classic. But, for blizz neither of those should matter, they have historical data.

Second, they could’ve restricted the transfers to specific factions. Third they could’ve limited the population caps on the servers to a more vanilla level instead of 10x’ing it.

There are tons of things I would’ve rather them to have done. But more importantly there are TONS of things they should have done way before trying to bleed their players for more money.

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Paid transfers aren’t going to fix the problem though so I agree with your ending statement.

People are going to take advantage and realize they just paid money to be in the same situation.

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You seem really upset, I must have hit very close to home.

If that makes you feel better, sure lol

It does thank you for being honest.

No problem champ :kissing_heart:

I am the champ thank you for recognizing that.

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Amazing how quick this thread became even more pointless. Check patch notes

It won’t let me add links, so try this without the *

Its in the patch notes sticky at the top of the forums

Its in the patch notes sticky at the top of the ckassic forums.

Classic is going to die if they do not do something to fix this issue.

I think it really depends on what the battlegroups looks like. If they do all of NA as one battlegroup I don’t think it will be that bad.