Sad Server Transfer News from a GM

I think people get that, but Blizzard is a company, and I guarantee that they run QA checks on their submitted tickets. If the managers for the GMs see a huge influx of “get me the fk off this server” tickets, they’re going to pass that up to their bosses.

That we pretend the devs aren’t aware of the situation is another story.

I like this little gem though…where are the imbalance deniers now?


Never said that. But asking a csr about technical issues or up coming changes/features is like asking a toddler to recite shakespear.


they’re setting the game up for transfers in this next patch! i’m not sure when they’ll go live. but they’re getting them ready.

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I farmed BRD below the tomb for over two and a half hours last night as alliance, ungrouped, as a level 50. If you are crying to get off Fairbanks, because of faction balance, you can’t pvp. It’s that simple. This is a learn to play issue on this server in particular. I don’t know about other servers, but buyer beware.

Can’t be mad you bought into a full pvp server and weren’t prepared and or ready. I assure you there is plenty of alliance on this server that were plenty prepared and ready. Don’t come to the forums getting mad at blizzard for your lack of knowledge, ability, and buyers remorse.

It also makes it sound like Fairbanks Alliance is getting rolled over by horde which is not the case.
Infact people were getting butthurt about not being able to farm enough honor from the horde coming in if you started to kill too many people too fast. Literally farming horde for almost three hours From the window to the instance.


Yes sir, I noticed that. I just wonder where all the kids went who were so sure that there is no imbalance and paid transfers won’t happen.


Is there any way you can post a screenshot of the actual ticket so we can put to rest the argument of how unbalanced the game is

are you ready to drink the tears of all of the horde that will be QQing about their soon to be horde only pve servers (that used to be pvp servers), because i am!


Born ready for that…I have a belt fed “gitgud” gun ready to go too! :slight_smile:

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@me if you see our few favorite horde trolls in a thread and i will come gloat with you, my dude.

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I don’t think OP (or anyone) realistically expects a CSR to fix/give an answer to the problem at hand. Your cynicism is noted though, thanks!

What you’re seeing is people using any outlet available to them to communicate to someone at blizzard about the current situation we find ourselves in. At least that was my thought process.

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LOL their BG Q’s are gonna be LEGENDARY.

I already re-rolled Alliance because I could see this crap coming a mile off when I was on Whitemane.

Thank GOD I made the right choice, all I have left to say is KEK.


There’s also this:


their queues will be at least 30-45m long for wsg because that’s what a normal bg queue was for horde before mercing became an option. their AV queues will be so lols though. XD

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I remember on my alliance mage in vanilla (more precisely, pre-tbc patch), I usually waited 1h / 1h30 for an AV queue to pop. And numbers are way, way worse in Horde’s favor this time. It will be interesting to see what will happen tomorrow.

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Blizzard screws up faction balance on multiple servers.

Blizzard puts in paid transfers so people can get away from the supremely imbalanced servers.



Can we have a link to the source please? :slight_smile:

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Holy Tauren. Even better intel!!