Sabotage! Quest not working

I am trying to complete the Sabotage! quest. It is letting me accept it. When I get to the Artillery Shell Sabotage, I can do that part. The artillery shell moves upward but the alarm doesn’t come on like it used to and it tells me “This whole place is going to blow. Get to the exit!” When I exit it does not go to the cut scene nor does it let me finish the quest. Nothing happens when I leave the building. I have done everything from logging out, restarting computer, abandoning the quest and starting it again. It still doesn’t work.


Exact same thing is happening to me and it’s the last quest I need for loremaster. Pls help


I am currently tryng to complete Sabotage! quest also and I am having the same exact issue. I do hope Blizz is able to fix this.

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also having this exact issue

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Same here.

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I am also experiencing this issue.

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Same issue here.

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Same issue here.

My wife is having the same bug. Sabotaged the shells got credit but the Get Out part does not trigger.

Mine is also doing the same thing. I can accept, sabotage the shell but no timer, and no quest completion once I exit the facility.

Same here. I armed the shell ran out and nothing

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I have the same issue. Blizzard doesn’t have a timeline for a fix. I interacted with three different GMs, and they can’t or won’t do anything in the game to address this. I have read that you can complete the Southern Barrens on an Alliance toon if you are not willing to wait for your achievement.

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I need this quest but is buggeddddd

Same with me, blizzard please fix it.

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I interacted with three different GMs, and they can’t or won’t do anything in the game to address this.

Yeah they haven’t even included this in the Known Bugs section yet

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This remains broken. Blizzard does not care, obviously due to their lack of response to this issue.

has anyone done this successfully?

I’m having the same issue nearly a month later :frowning:

Yepp. Same here. Lot of time and work on that achivment that is a no show.

Just went ahead and did the achievement on an Alliance character instead of waiting who knows how long for them to fix it.

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