Sabelian or Wrathion?

One claims to be the true heir of the throne. The other have been (sometimes reluctantly) saving the world with us or alone. Who is the choice for you regarding being the heir of the Black Dragonflight?

Doesn’t matter, Blizzard has already chosen Wrathion. Sabellian is just there to complete the key farm so players can sink tons of hours for cosmetic gains.

FWIW, I was Paragon of the Obsidian Brood before I was Agent of the Black Prince.


deathwing is coming back to claim the throne. he will body slam the chump that is wrathion into oblivion.

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Sabellion though I still maintain Danuser’s gonna make this a red herring and somehow write in Ebyssian as the new aspect.

Wrathion’s too much of a hothead.


If you want a cloth transmog then Sabellian, that is all.

Serbellion be a man :man:

wrathion is to feminine for a male dragon

Serbellion is the rightful heir to the throne don’t be a traitor

Besides no way wrathion beats Serbellion in a fight

If he does it’s absolutely made up nonsense by a fruity story teller that larps on proudmoon lol :joy:


I went Sab because Wrathion decided, on his own, to free Garrosh and caused countless amounts of death and damage. However, I agree with other posters in the thread. Somehow I think neither of them will run the Black Flight.


Sabelian is like that obscure distant cousin you’ve never met that suddenly starts coming around because he heard you won a lottery.


Deathwing will come up to kill writer pet character Wrathion and become the aspect again lol :crazy_face:

Honestly it shouldn’t matter what the player character thinks. Pretty much the only black dragons left alive were saved by, and follow, Sabellian. Wrathion has the loyalty of nearly no dragons.

It’s not just cloth

Exactly this. Sabellian tried and succeeded at saving many of his kin. Wrathion sent a rogue to literally kill every other black dragon he could find. He murdered what was left of his family for power. Everyone is fooled by his charming demeanor but that’s such a typical narcissist mask


Tbh, I don’t believe either of them should be aspect but if I had to choose one or the other, I’d go with Sabellian.

Wrathion literally caused 2 wars which got a lot of people killed. Sabellian managed to save a brood of uncorrupted black dragons and has been shown to be more tempered.

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I honestly think alexstraza should be the one deciding. Yes that kid of stuff typically only happens within the flight but she is not only the aspect of the red she is the queen of them all. And with the amount of death and treachery caused by the black dragonflight I don’t think they should be trusted to make a good decision on their own.

Sab is the objectively better choice. It isn’t a real choice though because it isn’t Sab’s head on the loading screen that has all the aspects.

Wrathion is, at best, a half decent diplomat and advisor. One simply has to look at how Wrathion and Sab handled their portion of the campaign to see how objectively terrible Wrathion is as an actual leader and how better Sab is…that isn’t even taking into account how Wrathion has constantly manipulated and been duplicitous about us. Sure he “helps” us with problems HE is, at least to some degree, responsible for causing.

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Why isn’t anyone asking him where the dagger is that he used to crack open n’zoth? That’s extremely sus that now it’s gone and never even mentioned. Especially since nzoth himself told xalatath to leave the blade behind because he had plans for it

It’s always “Wrathion did this, Wrathion did that”, guys, Wrathion is the reason why we’re still around to have this debate.

Releasing Garrosh to cause the Iron Horde invasion? Only done to prepare us for the Legion, who would have invaded whether Gul’dork was released or not. The Sword in Silithus? Sargeras did that as a desparate bid to destroy Azeroth, and the only reason Sargeras was there was Illidan’s fault, not Wrathion’s. Subsequent war for Azerite? Sargeras and Illidan, not Wrathion.

And then he proceeded to literally save our butts not once, but twice in the ensuing conflict with N’Zoth.

Sure he murdered all the black dragons, but at that point we had no proof that there were any uncorrupted other than Wrathion, who we were only sure of because we saw him hatch from an uncorrupted egg. Every other Dragonflight, and all the mortals, thought and did the exact same as Wrathion, but I don’t see any calls to depose the other Aspects or mortal leaders.

It isn’t fair to Wrathion that Sabellian literally hid for years instead of helping to protect Azeroth, THE LITERAL PURPOSE OF THE DRAGONFLIGHTS, and is now malding because he isn’t automatically being proclaimed the leader.

Earthwarder Wrathion 2023!

I know but Wrathion also has a mail one… Sabellian is the only one that has cloth

I’m kinda leaning this way, too.

Wrathion is a doer, not a leader. Sabellian was a nobody they dredged up from the distant past.

Ebyssian was introduced to the game to… ? What? What was the purpose of this character? Whatever role he had in Legion was eminently forgettable. I can only think they brought him in back then, planning this from a long time ago, to assume this role.