Sabelian or Wrathion?

The name says cloth but it’s cosmetic, not cloth. That’s my shaman using it as transmog.

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Thrall. Thrall should be an earth aspect. He already have experience on the job, which is far more important in modern world

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You can never know the road not travelled. Sure it’s reasonable to assume the Legion would come but there is no way you can act like we were better off spending time and resources dealing with an alternate universe invasion than keeping to our own world. In fact, it stands to reason that Voljin would have been an honorable and good warchief who would work to instill the old Horde honor and brotherhood without constantly begging for the Alliance to wipe them out. It’s entirely plausible both sides may have even began to form the bonds of peace and stood a greater chance at thwarting the Legion…not to mention the Legion expansion as we know it wouldn’t have even happened since AU Guldan wouldn’t have made it over here to begin with.

Wrathion has acted like a typical dragon and thought himself smarter than us and willingly pulled our puppet strings in his own machinations thinking he knows best. The fact his plans NEVER went according to plan proves he is anything but a capable leader.

And this doesn’t even get into the disgusting display of “leadership” he showed during the campaign. Not only does he sneakily save Mommystrasza, he then IMMEDIATLY tries to use that act to get her to aid in HIS outlandish scheme (as she is still literally near death/wounded). He instantly turns angry and aggressive with no care at all for her and decides to just do it himself.

For such a “clever” person, he then just bumrushes into a “storm the gates” despite EVERY bit of intelligence that he allowed all of 5 minutes to happen saying that is a REALLY bad idea…he then gets SAVED by Sab and his forces and immediatly starts plotting against him. He then tries to bumrush the throne to stop Sab from “taking” it.

Not enough? How about then when Sab comes up with a plan to transport the eggs HE secured in the first place to the temple and Wrathion LITERALLY whines and complains the ENTIRE way. The literal future of his plight is on the line and all Wrathion can do is bluster and whine because it wasn’t done “his” way. Then when it looks like the worst case scenario happens, instead of showing ANY concern, he IMMEDIATLY rushes to Mommystrasza hellbent on tattling what a failure Sab is and how it was all Sab’s plan to score potential political points with her.

Wrathion is a contemptable fool. A spoiled, arrogant, and egotistical (not to mention entitled) brat who needs to go back to whelp school. Sab, while not perfect, at least HAS actually led and did find a way around the corruption. He came in and saved the dragonflight and at least you know that while he may not win any silver tongue or niceness awards, he’s a man of character and principal and will do what he says and means what he says.


I would sell tickets to see this

i get a cut of it. say around 33%.

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Not reasonable, guaranteed. The Legion’s whole purpose was to kill Titans, and Azeroth is apparently the strongest Titan of all. No shot they didn’t try again the first chance they got.

We learned more about how the Legion works, their origins, how their “technology” and magic works, how and why they hate the Draenei so much, how the Orcs came to be corrupted, etc etc… All valuable information that came up at one point or another during Legion that we wouldn’t have had if we just jumped straight into things.

The Horde and Alliance weren’t in any major conflict when the Legion invaded, and Sylvanas was a perfectly good leader, even if she did have some ulterior motives.

Also sure, Gul’dan wouldn’t have been there, but Gul’dan gave us Illidan, who was instrumental to defeating the Legion once and for all.

If his plans never went according to plan, why are we not all thralls of N’Zoth?

He asked for the Red Dragonflight’s help, not just Alexstraza’s. Also, the Obsidian Bulwark is literally what he’s been searching for his entire life, so of course he’s gonna be kinda mad when it’s overrun by enemies.

Wrathion is pretty powerful by himself, I won’t lie. Also, he had me on his team, and I am an incalculable advantage.


Because if the eggs were destroyed, Sabellian would literally be no better than a corrupted dragon at that point, putting the future of the black dragons at stake just to prove a point.

Also, Alexstraza is literally the queen of the dragons, and the two were going to the Life Pools anyway. I would immediately report to her too if I thought my entire race was destroyed.

The least Sabellian could have done was to tell Wrathion the plan instead of act like an idiot.

Oh, I can do this one too:

Sabellian is a selfish fool. A cowardly, subterfuging, and idiotic (not to mention entitled) fool who needs to go back to Blade’s Edge. Wrathion, while not perfect, at least HAS actually tried to live up to being the Earthwarder in Neltharion’s absence, and did his best with the resources available to protect Azeroth and the dragonflights from corruption. He has saved Azeroth time and time again and while he may not win any subtlety awards, he’s a strategist and has been known to do everything in his power to fulfill the oath of his absent flight.

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Sabellian, but it’s gunna be Wrathion or some kind of council lead

Wrathion did defend Azeroth a lot, also destroyed it a lot but if he was in charge the Black Flight would be extinct again in a week cuz he’s way too reckless

So it’s going to be Wrathion then, obviously.

When in doubt. Vote of basic campfire!


Basic campfire is grounded in the elements of Azeroth.

It looks good in black!

It lifts our spirits and protects us all from the surrounding darkness.

idk advanced campfire seems to be LIGHTING UP the hearts and minds of the younger generation! he could give basic campfire a HEATED campaign for reelection as FIRE warchief!

sabellion has to start giving us MoP/BfA quality cloaks if he wants to be considered for my vote! :dracthyr_comfy_black:

That’s more than fair

Sabelian might have reasons to claim the throne. He was there defending the Black Dragonflight. But ebessyan looks primed to take it. Wrathion is not mature enough to be the Aspect.
