S4 Elite PVP Set - Not Updated to Reflect Winning Tier

Lmao whatever goal post you want to make up then.

Theres new titles etc. the only thing there isnt is a new elite set

A) blizz should give the elite sets from the vote just like pve
And b) this is a season despite what you say.

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A) blizz probably wont
B) if u say so. i disagree either way


With this logic then why is it that you can earn the Season 3 elite set for Season 4 in PVP currently, why don’t they preserve season 3 Elite set for the people who earned it? See how that sounds?


ask blizz cuz theyre the ones that didnt give u the mog u wanted (were too lazy to obtain in respective season)

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I agree with this logic. It can be applied to any season, really. The opportunity was given to vote, and no matter what, it would result in one of the season’s recipients feeling like the S4 people had ‘another chance’ to get their set.

I personally think this was an oopsie that made it onto Live. I combed through any fine print about the appearance vote excluding PVP, etc. There is nothing.

Either way, communication is key.


sorry to say if blizz hasnt responded then its intended

That is not true with regards to lack of response. We went for multiple months with the S1 monk 3D elements being broken and appearing as the normal raid version, no response.

From at least July, we had all iterations of the monk set blatantly bugged like this and it was addressed in September.

It took a while yes, and sooner rather than later is always good. This is why I am hoping that us talking about it in the open via General will allow for better visibility on this issue versus this aforementioned one.


thats a tmog issue, there are many tmog issues that go on for expansions that dont get solved

i think theyd rapidly change the season 4 set because its a pretty important thing up there. you cant just let it go for days because people are working on earning the elite sets now

and then they just up and change it a few days later? nah, it is what it is. gotta deal with it

My post addresses the winning tier appearance, even in its first link with the voting conclusion. Would this not be the same?


yeah the appearance, what if someone working on getting the season 4 elite set doesnt want the winning appearance?

they are already deep into their ranks

or hear me out, they just add an achivement at the end of the season or when the next patch launches that would award the elite set if you hit 1800 this season.

why do i need to hear you out? preach it to blizz lol

does not interupt people’s progress and gives the players what they want for earning rating otherwise there is no reason outside of Gladiator mounts/titles to participate as it’s the same rewards as last season.

^ making the above brackets even tighter as less participation cause same rewards.

i go back and look at legion elite sets. gosh they look good and in red is says "only for people who earned 2200 in season 123

The appearances for S4 were based off a vote that had its results publicized:

Therefore, this is what they ought to be where S4 = majority rules based off the vote as posted by Blizzard. There is no fine print about PVE or PVP. It simply is the winning appearance, and I am sorry to those who did not get their favorite of the three as the victor.

Majority won, and S3 appearance was only victorious for DK, DH, hunter, mage, rogue and shaman. Which speaks volumes of the quality of S3 given its popularity. But does not address the rest. For me, that is monk with a S1 appearance. Or priest with S2 appearance.

And you do not need to hear anyone out if you do not want to! TBH, we really just need some communication from Blues to clarify things. : ) Thank you for the chat, piratey one!


im pretty sure most people dont even know there was a vote in the first place

I doubt you’re going to get another shot at those priest and monk mogs. They’ve never brought back an elite set for a second chance. Shadowlands season 3/4 also reused the same elite sets. For week it’s been saying season 3 and 4 on the season 3 elite sets.

I’m not arguing against you and it’d be nice to get a response from Blizzard, but I think it’s pretty obvious now that season 3 sets being the season 4 sets was intended.

Thank you so much for spreading more light into this issue. Yall are angels <3


Thanks for posting this, it really hurts my desire to PVP this season and i may end up unsubbing until war within at this rate. was looking forward to earning some sets on my alts


I must point out the hypocrisy of this statement, if they never bring back elite sets why did season 3’s elite sets rerun this season? The sets would have been nothing this tier if that was true