So i just logged in on my DH whom uses the lookalike gloves and feet from VoI monk’s set. And the colors are all wrong. The beads on the boots are yellow, the glow on the fingers is yellow, the kneepads are gray, the stones on the ankles are gray and the stones around the gloves are gray as well.
Then went on my monk and the chest has the same problem, the 3d assets are all gray. Shoulders seem ok.
Please fix it! I use that set on my monk, and for my DH i use the gloves and boots, and for the boots i had to pay 150k in the AH to get the lookalike version… This is realy infuriating because this kind of stuff happens a lot and sometimes never get fixed.
As an example, the cloth boots from Thaurissan in BRD used to cover most of the leg, making them realy great for some cloth xmogs i used, but then they changed them to be some kind of kneesocks and looks awful and that now cant combine with nothing, so i lost my favorite cloth tmog for my priest and nightborn warlock, and that never got fixed…
Thanks. Hopefuly this get fixed soon!
Can confirm, the bug is absolutely jarring, glad there’s a post about it already. Funny cause this patch fixed my priest’s mog (missing 3d element on belt for MONTHS), but in return broke my monk’s. It’s ridiculous how often it happens.
I saw this glitch before the patch but only on male draenei monks for some reason; now I’m also seeing it on all of my monk characters (I have a night elf, orc, pandaren. zandalari troll, and vulpera). Also it affects the PvP sets too
bugged for me too on my undead male monk, I know male dranei had the issue last patch. Hope it gets fixed soon, one of my favorite new monk sets in a long time
Bump. Having this issue also.
Edit: on my monk, just to clarify —Season 1 Gladiator purple gloves.
Thank you for making this well spoken post. I had also made a ticket, but customer service said to report the bug and spam the forums… Thank you all for commenting and trying to bring more attention to this. I use the heroic off set pieces for my rouge, demon hunter and druid. It’s very disheartening to loose something you worked to earn.
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I saw it on my worgen for weeks before as well.
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please fix this soon!!! i want my cool blue monk set
spent forever getting it and trying to redo it over and over for it just to be forever yellow haha
Good news, I think: the 10.1.7 PTR had an update not long ago and the sets appear to be fixed.
10.1.7 is now live and it looks like all the tier sets are fixed, at least for me. Anyone else?