S2 gear for honor on ptr

Yes yes, just imagine… Letting the players take control of their gearing by grinding for 40 hours for a “near” bis item. The stuff of nightmares, truly.


Dude you can literally open a sim or spreadsheet and look for yourself I am 100% correct.

And were talking about near bis of a previous phase. Not something game breaking for pve at all

It’s amazing to me how every person who is against this has a fundamental misunderstanding of how good the gear is and what the effect on players would be.

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gear based pvp system has always been a joke. Gear should have been cosmetic only with baseline stats.

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It’s ok when the gear is readily available to everyone, and gives a feeling of character progression. But currently it’s all locked behind massive honor costs or rating gates

In the beginning of s2 I received almost daily automated letters stating players I had reported for botting were actioned.

LOL yeah. Everyone gets those. An automated message regarding a complaint about an automated character. Can’t get more ironic than that.

Have enough honor banked to buy three pieces of s2 if they are released. Would very much like a few pieces of the PVP gear to put into my PVE set. Holding 75k honor is not enough to buy all of the s2 gear on day 1. I bought the vendor blues for my PVP entry and it sucked.

Please have s2 arena gear for purchase with honor when BT/Hyjal comes out.

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Thank you for your input

Out of curiosity, how much honor are the S1 pieces costing on the PTR?

I believe I saw 1 handed weapons for near 15k honor

S1 armor isn’t too far from that

Unless you and your team mate/s are good it won’t make a difference and you’re gonna get crumped from 1200 upwards.

If they hadn’t put the rating requirement on weapons in S1 and S2 only this wouldn’t have happened.

For someone like me it’s not. I don’t do something unless theres enough of an incentive to do it. And since theres no way of me hitting 1850 theres no point even bothering.

This thread was a rollercoaster of emotions.

S2 Gear would have been great, especially because s3 will most likely be the most popular and longest season.

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I prefer it as S1 for honor and S2-3 for conquest right now, gives the honored set and all three seasons gear a good dynamic.

Now if when wrath comes out they allow TBC to grind S2 for honor that may be another story but right now it’s fine as is in my opinion.

I don’t know if you know this but when wrath comes out tbc pvp gear is no longer useful at all


It’ll be useful still while levelling, and for world PvP.

Though if all goes well I’ll be on a PvE server by then.

I don’t’ think many people would farm out that much honor just to make leveling easier for a couple levels. That gear would get replaced with quest greens pretty quick.

Plus all that honor could be saved and spent at 80. Maybe I’m in the minority but that doesn’t make sense to me.

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Perhaps my comment wasn’t clear.

The change I presented for S2 gear becoming available for honor is a change for TBC servers once Wrath servers comes online.

Why would you wait that long?

When S4 comes out, S3 gear should be discounted but still cost arena points. S2 should be available for honor.

Otherwise, with your proposal, we have a weird season 4 where people are still buying S1 for honor and have no way to get S2 gear.

Really in the end I just want a place for all of the gladiator sets rather than have S1 made completely obsolete and never bought. If you have a proposal to make that happen I would like it read it.

Perhaps you would like S1 and 2 sold for honor with 1 being extremely discounted and 2 being the real honor grind OR keep S2 available for conquest and remove rating requirements on it and allow BG wins to award small amounts of conquest. (But not rating)

Lots of people farmed the GM/HW gear during TBC prepatch. :man_shrugging: