S2 gear for honor on ptr

Yup. I power leveled to 60 (with no real boosts) during prepatch and got two weapons.

The honor gains were extremely inflated during that time though

For a brief period, then they got hard nerfed.

They were 10x the current values for about one day then they nerfed it back to what it is now.

Then people complained it wasn’t fair some were able to cap honor in one day of playing and they buffed it by 2x for the remainder of pre patch.

Then tbc eventually launches and they removed the 2x buff and now we are stuck here getting 1k honor per hour at best outside of av weekends.

When you could get a lot of honor in a reasonable amount of time? That’s not the case now……

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Anyone against making previous season easily accessible is effectively just a coward who don’t want a fair playing field.

Having previous season available for discounted arena points is just stating that anyone who isn’t a rogue or hasn’t been PvPing since the very start of season 1 is not allowed to have the latest gear because they need to spend their hard earned arena points for previous season gear (which they earn at a slower rate due to being unable to climb rating because of their lack of gear) .

Make previous season available for honor and make honor less of a grind, no one except compulsive liars likes the grind.

I can’t even imagine the painful time commitment it would take to farm a full set of s2 gear for honor. I don’t even want to try to imagine it. Especially as alliance.

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You could say that about literally any form of progression in an MMO… Why not just hand out full tier gear so everyone has the same chance of killing a boss?

There’s a major difference between PvE and PvP. PvP should be based on skill, not your gear.

How exactly, is it unfair?

The gear existed. They chose to get it. Someone else didn’t.

Why should someone who has spent more time playing have 0 advantage over a newbie?

Pve and PvP are not comparable in this way.

No, but if S2 pvp gear was available for honor at the the start of phase 3, that impacts PVE progression. That’s why it’s not happening.

Yeah you’re right on that.

Because if both are equally geared it should boil down to who has bigger brain? like that’s a no brainer in pvp.

this isnt Vanilla where the best pve gear=best pvp gear/rolling people cause of your gear. theres a reason why Arena/arena gear put in for pvp.

No it doesn’t lol. S2 gear is not competitive with anything that drops next phase.

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No, but it makes the stuff before it less important for alts or people that missed some gear in the previous phase. I don’t even really disagree with you; it’d be great to pick up some of that stuff on alts, but I don’t think Blizzard likes that kind of thing.

Yeah apparently they don’t like having happy customers I agree with you there lol

The idea that allowing s2 gear for honor would affect PvE is ridiculous. It is such an incredible time sink compared with the easy raid content it would have no impact whatsoever.

It would take hundreds of hours to farm a full 5 piece set. It would take a fraction of that running these faceroll raids; especially if you have gold. What it might do, however, is get more people in BGs, which is a good thing.


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