S1 Ret vs S3 DH whos more OP?

That’s it. That’s the question.

s1 ret most broken spec in wow history


I hate DH as much as the next guy rn, but 10.0.7 ret was the most broken I have ever seen anything in any game ever. Nothing will ever come close unless Blizz just tries to ruin the game on purpose instead of through ineptitude.

I legit think PvP would be in a much better place even today if 10.0.7 ret didn’t happen. It turned one of the best seasons ever into one of the worst with one patch.


Only thing that could beat a 10.0.7 ret was another ret

I just wish they’d respond to everything as quickly as they responded to 10.0.7 ret. First round of nerfs went out in like two hours. Second round the next day. Third round the day after that. Not to say they werent still strong after the nerfs, but they made significant action fast.


Judgement of the pure clearing stuff for whole team was very balanced

Ret without a doubt.

First time ret was playable in years and everyone lost their minds over it fr


It’s honestly not close, ret was hilarious

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that tuning literally brought a season to a hault. nothing can compare to all those day 1 ret mains.

RBG teams with 7 Ret pallys

Ret and it’s not even close.
Dh is broken in the sense that it’s disproportionately overtuned. It does too much damage and is too survivable.

Ret paladin LITERALLY broke the game and entirely invalidated hunters, spriest, moonkin, ele sham, destro warlocks, aff warlocks, and all mage specs to where it was basically impossible for those classes to win.

Dh itself is immortal and should never die and can 50-0 anyone in a global.
Ret paladin made itself AND its team immortal and would 100-0 anyone in a global during cds and DA proc.

Looking at numbers over the last two weeks, DH ranges from being in 60 to 82% of games with a 53% winrate overall and about a 66% winrate into non-dh teams. Overtuned? Absolutely.

Ret paladin had a peak representation of 95% with a 58% winrate overall and a 91% winrate into non-ret paladin teams.

I dont have any mass statistics on this, but in looking at a few dozen ret paladins in 10.0.7, we saw their rating go up by between 800 and 1400 points. Literally. Most dhs are inflated now between 3 and 500 points.

10.0.7 Ret paladin was far and above the most broken thing to ever happen to any video game ever.


They remained so strong that the nerfs didn’t really matter


not even comparable rets could dispel healers out of CC with jug dispel magic bop sanc and unhealable dmg

I remember rets shooting up 1000+ rating within the first few days of the patch.

It was truly a sight to behold on the websites that track PvP rating changes.

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Ret was still extremely broken after all of the nerfs and remained that way for months. Drove a lot of the community away. They lapped current DH even in the last 2 weeks of S1.


Ret was a little over 20% of the ladder above 2.1. That was the most busted a spec has ever been relative to numbers. After that, cata S3 sub had 20% as well, but there were less specs. DH is currently 16% of the dps ladder above 2.1. This still puts DH near the top of the list for all time.


ret nuff said.

As gross as DH currently is, 10.0.7 was about 35x worse.

Just for context as to how dumb that spec was.

DH does insane damage and is super tanky, but at least they don’t have a second set of healer CDs.

Ret had access to as much, if not more damage than DH does, was tankier, and their mere existence meant no one on their team could die.

Ret in 10.0.7 was the most insane thing we’ve ever seen in the game. I was Q’ing at around 2.2-2.5 at the end of crimson and i’m not exaggerating when I say I went 62 straight games with a ret on my Sarena. Was the most wild thing i’ve ever seen playing the game.

What about S2 ret vs DH S3?