S Spriest LF Guild

Neck 58, Ilvl 421

I am looking for a good raid guild. I am also 6/8 H. Please leave your info in this post and i will get back to you.

Raid Times and Days

Mon-Thurs 7-10pm EST
Fri-Sat 11pm-2 am EST

Jan 13

<Comfortably Rum> looking for a few more dedicated skilled players. We want a chill raid environment that still looks to progress. We have successfully been achieving that goal for last few expansions now while having a good time. We will be doing AOTC/meta achievs with a goal of a few mythics. Lots of mythic+ and PVP.

Raid Times: Tues & Wed 8-10:30pm
RBG Group: Friday 9pm
Saturday Fun Runs…make a drink!
6/8 H EP
1/9M 9/9 HBOD 2/2H COS

Needs: Ele Sham/War/Mage
DPS - Will consider all vet players looking for long term raiding home.

Casuals and alts of all levels welcomed!
If interested contact Mayching. Mayabella BT = Maybella#1211

Ruined Immersion raids one day a week (Sat) from 11:30am-3:30pm (EST). We do mythic keys, island expeditions, and various other things throughout the week. As a bonus during raids one of our tanks has players roll at half time for 100k gold and whoever wins gets it. Now how many guilds can you say are out there that offer an incentive for raiding? If this sounds like something you might be interested in check us out below:

Hey Nerthus! Zuglife (8/8H) is a progression raiding guild looking to fill a few dps in our roster as we transition into Mythic! We raid tue/thur 7-10pm EST which seems to fit your times perfectly! If you’d like to chat, feel free to add me in game:
We’d love to have you!

Hello Nerthus,

Not sure if you found a home yet, but would like to invite you to check out our post! Let me know if you have any questions!