RWF - Don't turn Mental Health into a scapegoat

You know Pawzer, i’m surprised you’re taking OP’s side or at least disagreeing with people disagreeing with OP, when if i recall correctly, awhile back on Honeypot’s thread, you were pretty much in agreement with mental health that a few others bought up.

Well you asked for facts, and i gave you facts. Google gives facts.

Because nobody was expecting the raid to be this hard and to last close to a month, it hasnt happen in the last +10 years, it came out of nowhere.

Is really not that hard to get why people felt burn out or had to go back to their regular life.

I dont know why people choice to ignore this fact.


Clearly they do or they wouldn’t have mentioned it.

I’d say that companies that sponsor humans certainly understand the risks.

As stress induced temporary depression and anxiety happen in aprox 50% and 60% of people experiencing stress, and that number likely goes higher as time goes on.

Liquid conceding in the RWF and saying they aren’t going to continue for the sake of their mental health or saying that they’re conceding because it’s taking a toll on their mental health is not really remarkable.

At all.

You’re weirdly obsessed with sponsors.

Your question implies you don’t understand that emotional distress is extremely common among people suffering from stress and that it could happen to anyone.

It’s extremely common and can happen to anyone.

The sponsors knew the risk.

How long are their breaks? 15 minutes here and there? How are they going to fit all the raid and bench into therapy sessions at odd hours for like 10 minutes a piece (they need a few minutes to get drinks and snacks and use the toilet).

My therapist costs like 400ish dollars an hour and they probably charge by the hour.
Let’s assume 400 dollars a day for 30 people… $1,200 a day times how many days? Let’s say 20. $24,000 dollars per team for RWF. And that’s being fiscally conservative.

It’s just not reasonable and a 10 minute peptalk isn’t going to counter the effects of extreme stress.

Pre-exams won’t really predict the toll that prolonged stress can have on a person.

Yeah, they likely were cognizant of the tolls it takes. That’s why they decided when the first one to win the race did so to go ahead and concede and spare themselves more stress. And that is a valid choice.

I don’t know a single person outside of maybe the team that would care what the sponsors do.

Seeing as how these things can happen to anyone at any time and is extremely common (50% or more of people experience temporary behavior health issues when under stress) the entire situation of Liquid conceding and citing it’s for their health is totally unremarkable.

It is mathematically likely that I could number of members in liquid were actually suffering from temporary behavioral health distress.

They clearly knew when to stop on their own otherwise they wouldn’t have bowed out.

This can’t be predicted. A prior evaluation would have been useless and expensive.

It wouldn’t help. It wouldn’t make any difference. At all.

You can’t prepare for the emotional effects that can happen when exposed to extreme prolonged stress.

No. Most players are not playing 16 hours a day every day for weeks on end. They do not need blizzard to nanny them.

However, only allowing the participants of RWF to raid x hours a day and/or having mandated breaks might be a good move.


That is not answering the question. You basically dodged the question.

You again dodged the question, why don’t you simply answer the question?
If you are not answering the question itself, why bothering quoting it to just keeping up your rhetoric?

You mean the word “prerogative” right? That is what you meant?

Still, it tells me that they don’t know their team and the problems they go through, and they haven’t prepared well for the RWF.

They don’t. And the fact that you don’t know this tells me that you’re talking about something that is beyond your comprehension.

A competition that is hosted by Blizzard?

Well, it does. But MDI preparation for example can be played 24/7. Just leaving here some thoughts.

Basically what just happened with Liquid? How can you tell it is not a problem and it is a problem at the same time? Don’t you think you’re being at least hypocrite?

I like how you, and others in this thread, really live out your principles of empathy and caring for others by name calling and demeaning others. It really shows the sincerity when you act like OP should be nicer and not pile on someone who might be bearing a lot by piling on OP (who you don’t know and might be dealing with a lot)

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Shaming people for being concerned about their mental health and shaming someone for choosing to say something horrible are two entirely different things.
Poor choice of words perhaps, but hardly hypocrisy.

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Totally true. No one has ever lied or made an excuse when failing to live up to expectations. EVER! We must always take reasons at face value and not use our brains to make an opinion.

What I’m wondering now is what can be done for this type of competition to make it saner on the participants.

According to you. I think attempting to online shame people, who may have their own issues for all you know, is either ok or it’s not.

Shaming can’t be just ok when you wanna do it about issues you think are important.

So why do you think they decided to take a break(until monday) to still probably be world second anyway? They admitted that Echo was better and they deserved the win, even Echo said they would have done the same as Liquid and they were also close to their breaking point.

They admitted they weren’t good enough to get world first and decided to take a break for their mental and physical health, I dont see how are they using mental health as a scapegoat at all

But how could you be shooting for RWF and still be called a sane person?

I’ve known raid leaders to crack just trying to get server first raid clears.

I have no idea, but then again I’m not here demeaning someone for having an opinion where we’re are all just guessing.

You don’t know if it was genuine or an excuse either.

Feeling unwell, mentally or physically, is rarely a choice.
Saying something ignorant, hurtful and disrespectful is always a choice.


I’d say a RWF extra version of the instance for participants with a GM standing by, and they open it for the raid. It remains open for 4 hours, then at the end of the encounter the GM pauses it, they wait 15 minutes to 30 minutes, and unpause it.

Let them go at it for 12 hours a day. Maybe an hour break somewhere.

Keep track via clocks.
Do the scoring based on total time allotted not real world time.

Groups can progress at hours that work for them.

And so on.

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I dont get anything for not believing them, especially when they have nothing to gain by lying about it.

So you preach empathy and compassion, but then espouse that you have to care about someone’s feelings to consider them. I can’t figure out your stance other than being all over the place.

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So this twenty questions charade is over them taking a two nights off to take care of themselves?

Psy yi yi.

They would get sympathy and a convenient excuse IF it’s a scapegoat.

Again, I have no idea what’s true but to pretend there would be no upside is incorrect.

the only response to this is

shut the heck up. my god. /eyeroll


Because you didn’t prove liquid was lying. By your own design, you made it impossible to answer that question. :expressionless:

You have nobody but yourself to blame on that mate.

I did. Right after my question. :point_down:

Yes actually, thank you for catching that mistake. :laughing:

That still doesn’t dismiss why they dropped out. You still yet to prove that what they said is a lie. All you did is practically gave us a glorifed opinion.

They do. I don’t know why your denying this considering this is necessary to do before hand for any raid group… or any group for that matter.

Mate, i was a raider back in MoP and WoD. Not a hardcore raider by any means, but this as well other evaluations you’re talking about isn’t anything new.

You don’t know what a Race World First is, do you? :man_facepalming:

RWF’s time is finite, therefore, if somebody gets to it first, that means time is up. This puts strain and stress on the teams who are trying to win it, because basically anybody can win it at any time.

This sort of thing is true for any competition, even MDI. If you want to win, there’s a proverbial time limit there because of the competition.

But nowhere we were talking about limiting his time. What you’re asking us is to limit his pay.

As i said in this quote you intentionally skipped over… :point_down: