RWF - Don't turn Mental Health into a scapegoat

The sticking point, I think, is the timing. Allegedly they proclaimed a need for a mental health break only after it was clear they weren’t going to win.

Thank you.

I don’t see a problem with this.

They didn’t even concede. They’re just taking a couple days off.

I don’t understand why people are making such a mountain out of a molehill over this. It’s really really really not at all remarkable.


So they know they have issues and still went with the risk of suffering from mental health issues without have no professional at all to assist them there for this, deciding that they had to take the break at the last day of the RWF when Echo basically won the RWF.

Looks wrong to me, not to mention sus.

I don’t think the sponsors know or have an assessment of the risk in their sponsored teams on this topic.

There is 0 indication of that, and they forfeiting the RWF in the last second shows this pretty much.

They are professional gamers, sponsored, how can we not talk about sponsors in this situation when they are actually there because they are sponsored? They wouldn’t go into RWF without sponsors. At least, not on this level they were.

I thought that mental health was important.
You valuing how much it costs tells me that you don’t think it is important at all.

Are you a mental health professional or someone with degree that can make such claim?

That is not the question.
Would the public opinion scrutinize and actually even boycott a sponsor that pulled off in this situation were they forfeited with the excuse of “mental health issues” ?

Just to make it clear: it was the last second before they were about to lose.

Echo just killed the Jailer minutes after.

How can it be called useless? Are you a professional to say this?
Also, I thought mental health was important, why are you putting costs on something that actually adds value to your life and help keeping you healthy?

How not having a professional to assist a group of 30+ people in intensive and stressful environment of long gameplay hours 16+ a day not be helpful to assess their mental health state and whether they are able to continue enduring such intense competition?

Are you a professional to make such claim?

They literally can.

Astronauts spend months sometimes in isolation in order to prepare for space missions.
How can gamers not be prepared to stress and environment that they’re going through??? That makes no sense at all.

Here is my take:

Mythic bosses should have a limit timer on how much you can progress until they despawn.

We used to have this in WoTLK (Ulduar), with Algalon. You had 1 hour to kill Algalon.

During WoTLK, you had 50 attempts to clear ToC Heroic. The number of attempts increased every week as the progression continued.

During WoTLK we also had limited attempts against Lich King.

Perhaps Blizzard should add something like this to relieve the stress in the Gamers, limiting the amount of time they spend in the raid / day (e.g. attempts / day, hours / day on the boss).

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To be clear, I have no idea what happened. I just wandered into a thread and saw a bunch of people preaching empathy and compassion to the OP move to acting horrible with name calling and demeaning.

It’s the hypocrisy and the idea that anybody really knows what happened (a lack of humility) that I noted.

To be more clear: I’m not siding with OP or anybody else. I’m just noting the apparent hypocrisy and people reacting very strongly to something they don’t really know what happened and ultimately doesn’t have any impact on them.

At some point you have to decide wether something is fun anymore or if continue doing such thing will make you not enjoy the gane anymore.

Mental health is important to prioritize. If people choose to do so good for them.


Hi came back did you find a source providing your claim if entertainers are not a job. Beside your opinion meanwhile we have provided a database known as Google that shows the sources. :wink:

Toxic attitude get met with toxic replies, nothing new.

I had been thinking similar, more of a RWF special server with just some raid timers or something. I do wonder how much the workday type studies would carry over vs the chance of gear advancement if you kept on going for a longer time. Sounds like a place for a league and rules for the good of the participants.


Any chance this has gone on entirely too long?


It could be in the same realms.

They just need to put timers/number of attempts to stop people from playing 18 hours a day in raids to get geared for Mythic raid.

The splits are also very toxic, but they don’t want to talk about it (they are afraid of losing it just like they lost Titanforging)

Re-read. I’m talking about the people who told you to be nicer and more caring and then starting calling you names and demeaning you.


I didn’t remark that it was new. I remarked that it was hypocritical. You seem to concede this by saying the responses were toxic when they were complaining that OP was toxic.

Sorry. I got it wrong. My apologies and thanks for pointing out.

It is what people call “the good hate” where you can be toxic to someone you deem not being human enough to receive the same compassion you are asking them to have towards others.

Sadly true. I don’t think people should resort to fighting fire with fire in cases like this honestly.

The OP said something pretty silly that I don’t agree with, but I don’t think insulting them is the right play. I always say you may never really know the other person behind the screen. They said something dumb, but I don’t know anything about them or what their day was like. I don’t know. We all say stupid things sometimes.

I hope if I ever end up saying something stupid I probably don’t mean people don’t start tearing into me. I struggle enough with my own thoughts as is, so

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I agree. My stance is no one but the teammates and sponsors should really focus on this because only they know what occurred.

I also think the responses to you should be more gentle as well if they actually want any credibility when preaching civility and compassion. For all they know, your posting could be in response to major stress in your life…

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Thank you. This was a more eloquently put post than mine were.


I didnt insult him either, but I get why other people were hostile about it, is just normal internet behavior.

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L + ratio + didn’t ask

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I did, same source as yours. “google”. Not my fault you didn’t see my post edits and claimed to be leaving or ‘not debating’ anymore. :wink: Guess you’re not very good at using your own sources.