RWF - Don't turn Mental Health into a scapegoat

Okay then go look up definition of an entertainer job then and bring it back to me. :slight_smile:

That is a different situation, you could create a thread to discuss that. I’m not discussing about regular worker. The thread is to discuss the professional gamers forfeiting a competition due to mental health (in the last second when it was about to get over).

I added the Olympics as an example because professional athletes also have forfeited competition recently.

Well, I strongly believe that discussing whether gamers are e-athletes or that game competitions can be called sports is another thread itself.

I just take it as it is as this is the current status quo.

To summarize your post:

“don’t call other people BS, it upsets another bunch of people”.

Liquid forfeited the competition minutes before Echo killed Mythic Jailer.
They have said it was due to stress, lack of motivation, fatigue and they had to take care of “their mental health”. So, yeah, they scapegoated this into mental health.

Well, you see, I used to cringe at people like you that can’t participate in a thread without calling out names or actually attack people because of their opinion.

But after some time I just stopped. I just feel sad that the likes of you will do this. Instead you could have actually made some intelligent post or discussed the topic instead of simply attacking me. Show how much emotionally invested you are in actually not being constructive at all or actually have any human decency.

That’s very subjective; some sign contracts because they sought the sponsors and like a predatory bank loan are in over their heads. (i don’t think this happens in esports, but it’s very possible that it does)

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Maybe if you were

enough to read you would have noticed the multiple paragraphs before I pointed out the gigacringe.

These ones right here.

But I understand that you have trouble with empathizing with people suffering from behavioral health issues.

It’s ironic that you are taking these issues at the same time as lecturing people about

A decent human being wouldn’t have posted your original post.


The issue is you don’t know. Could they be lying? Yes. They could also be telling the truth. Since you aren’t god and you can’t prove beyond question that they are lying all your going to do is aggravate people :man_shrugging:


That is the whole point.
It is just bad that it all happened in the moment when they were struggling in the race and right when Echo was about to win. Max even said that on his stream that “we didn’t want to say it when we were in the lead”… but why?? lol.

It is like going out with your co-workers and when they go home to actually go to work next day, you stay and keep drinking and just call out sick next day.

Could be true (really), but it look really bad and suspicious with the timing.

I mean, you could be really SICK… but the timing is just not in your favor. And the likelihood of you actually just being dishonest in the eyes of your peers (and boss eventually) is higher.

I also, would like to add the following to the thread:

  1. Would be inaccurate to say that it would look really bad for sponsors to pull off because they said they were leaving the competition to take care of their mental health?

  2. Could it be that for saying that they’re going to take care of their mental health, instead of saying “look, we lost, we don’t want to stay here, we just want to go home and whatever” would simply tell their sponsors that they are not good for advertising and that they didn’t prepare well for the race?

Just leaving some thoughts here.

It’s nothing like this actually.

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It is.

And it is good that you dodged both questions I made. Tells me a lot about your person and your intentions on this thread.

I didn’t see any questions. What questions?

I didn’t see some either I already had a fun chat with a worgen here and they haven’t responded so I’m either A hoping they looked up the definition and actually realized that their opinion isn’t a fact. Or B: they just got bored trolling. Anyways OP offered nothing and is continuing offering nothing.

What’s your proof on everything you’ve said in your OP btw?..

Like all this time “Oh they forfeit because they wern’t prepared, their scapegoating and”… where’s your proof mate?.. Like you’re pushing this to be true, but i’m quite skeptical at this point.

Yeah, it sounds like to me they were burnt out or overworked, or mentally tired. I don’t see what is wrong with that.

Okay, so i did checked out the 6:48 to 6:50 (H:M)…

I don’t see what you wanted me to see, i just see them being exhausted and saying that it needed to be planned around better. Okay, i don’t see how this changes things really. Prepared or not, i still don’t see the why we need to dismiss them dropping out because of mental health issues. This isn’t a conspiracy.

Have you never been into a competition? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Nice job misunderstanding that comment and take that in a completely different direction then what me and Pawzer were talking about… :man_facepalming:

Here’s a friendly reminder of what Pawzer said… :point_down:

Now here’s what i said. :smiley:

Every single person on earth would get tired of playing a game for 16hrs/day for 3+ weeks.

Even SCRIPE said he understands exactly why they did what they did. Again, your take absolutely sucks. It sucked with Simone Biles, it sucks now.


When you selectively read a thread, you might lose it.

Just go back to the thread where you just quoted… and read it entirely.

I understand what you’re saying but you have to realize how society works. What’s going to happen, as this thread has shown, is people with mental health issues or that know someone with mental health issues are going to come to their defense. Nothing good is going to come from a thread like this.

All I saw was them totally ignoring my first two paragraphs and personally attacking me and my intelligence.


If you’re being paid you don’t get to complain about your mental health.

This is, by far, the dumbest opinion I have seen so far in 2022.
And there have been a lot of dumb opinions.


I’ll do that after you respond to my initial points and not a moment sooner.

Sounds good on paper. Go ahead and stream it. Curious if you make it more than 3 days without logging out for more than 30 minutes for a “dinner break”.

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That’s not what google says. :point_down: