RWF - Don't turn Mental Health into a scapegoat

I never said they walked through Hell, I said you spoke like someone who never has. Pay attention. And I’d almost be willing to bet my next pension check you never have been pushed to your breaking point and then over it. If you had, you’d never have started this thread. Best you zip it before you end up with both feet in your mouth. Is that gum on the bottom of your shoe?!?!

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


You are the one who invited commentary by posting here instead in your personal blog.

Anyway, I suspect you came here just to cause problems and seek negative attention. You have succeeded.


Are people really still living in this dated 1960s boomer “X job isn’t a real job” world in 2022? Get a damn grip.

These people get paid to do this, and they get quite a hefty sum of money for doing this to boot. But they also have to meet very, very high standards for a job like this. To call this “an insult to real work” in an era where streaming and esports have big enough money involved that actual sports and stuff is ignorant.

Absolutely asinine and moronic take. But then again, I expected nothing less and nothing more from someone like you.


Now imagine retail, where you’re doing both. This is true of essentially any customer facing job. Curiously, those jobs where you’re doing both tend to be some of the lowest paid. Again, trying to equate either to what Liquid or Echo is doing is honestly quite sad but expected of Gamers.

We saw how much actual Essential Work didn’t change much these past years and how they still get paid less than basically anyone running Liquid or Echo race stuff, and yeah Liquid and Echo ‘raiding world first’ is still not a ‘job’ sorry to say.


Just to keep the record straight, I did not name call. I used an adjective to describe behavior. Please come prepared when posting on the forums.


With how entitled and nasty some customers can be, any service industry job sometimes borders on cruel and unusual punishment. Have a close friend who worked in the restaurant industry for a while and some of their stories make it hard to believe that people could be so terrible over such trivial things.


Been there, one of my first jobs as an adult was Walgreens. I still reflect on that experience nearly 24 years later.
Just because they are gaming it doesn’t make it any less work when they are pushing 16hr days though.
My point was that even if the job isn’t physically demanding, it can still be a struggle. Even professional gaming. Every career has it’s own struggles.


They are entertainers. Throughout history entertainers have been considered jobs case closed you can disagree. But it doesn’t change the fact that Entertainers are jobs in of itself. Takes a lot of skill and charisma to entertain people.


Oh I believe them… I managed a KB Toys in the early 80s (shudder). The parents were just, just… I can’t say those words here.


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If you make money, it’s real work then.

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It does, actually. They’re literally just raiding in a video game. Equating it to actual jobs or work is silly.

I don’t consider ‘entertainers’ actual work, and I think basically all of them are overpaid. Echo and Liquid included.

People call everything jobs these days, which they shouldn’t.

Great that’s you but it’s not the truth that’s your opinion and it’s not a fact.


Because of the timing on when they were calling this out?

Come on. They announced this when Echo was about to win the race.

Look, honestly, if they were having mental health issues, or people were not well for the race, they would’ve called off before even going to. It would be less far-fetched if they called earlier, not when the race was over.

Yes, they are professional gamers, who were participating in the world’s largest MMORPG competition for the World First. That is not something they decide to do one day before.

The least you expect for someone entering in such competition, to WIN (again, professionals), is preparation.

They simply forfeited because they weren’t prepared enough for the competition. If they lost motivation (you can watch last hour of Maximum stream, you will see he saying CLEARLY that they LOST MOTIVATION exactly when they changed their comp for Jailer yesterday). Also, the fact they were about to lose members for the AWC during RWF also hit me in a weird way.

Watch Maximum last video in his stream.
He said “we wouldn’t post this that we were tired etc when we were in the lead…”
So, if they were already exhausted, why didn’t they already leave… why did they kept pushing it? Of course they wouldn’t give up while they were still in the lead.

Suspiciously when Echo pull it off and is about to kill Mythic Jailer they go out and call it that “due to mental health issues, we’re leaving”.

That doesn’t sit well to me.

I invited people to discuss this. You came with the only intent to actually attack me instead of discussing the topic.

You are the one who came attacking me on this thread, and I haven’t even had the intention of actually upsetting people.

It makes me feel sad that a group of professional gamers decided to forfeit a competition they were about to lose due to “mental health”. It just feels wrong people using mental health as an excuse when they are about to lose.

You went straight to ad hominem, and I see that it is your intent to do so because you simply hide your profile so people can’t even ignore you. Let me tell you: takes few more steps, but I can just type your name there.

Begone now.

So, like real people do fake call sick, can’t they just do the same, especially when it is in their best interest to do so? :thinking:

Did a bunch of people at Blizzard leave for “mental health” reasons? I don’t get what this is referencing.

If you are just talking about the Olympics then it doesn’t belong in “World of Warcraft General.”

Ha, “e-athletes compete on high level.” Ha, no.

I guess if you want facts, what liquid and Echo do isn’t a ‘job’. Same for streaming, that’s why there’s tons of ‘donations’ via people instead of ‘purchases’. :3

Then again like a lot of Gamers I’m sure what you do for work lets you sit on these forums for most of your shift, so no surprise on what you ‘think’.

So, mental health issues do exist and there are people who will use it as a scapegoat to cover their failure however you can’t talk about it like this :laughing: No matter how genuine your intentions may be you are going to upset people as you found out from your flagged post.

You see the first response

You don’t get to judge mental health issues.
Working on anything for 60-80hs a week for multiple weeks can be extremely exhausting.
Never dismiss mental health issues.
You don’t know how it affects the individuals. You can’t assume it is just an excuse.

That is the general mindset people have when it comes to things like this. And don’t think “I don’t care if it makes people upset I’m going to say something so people know” because all you’re going to do is get yourself the stinkeye and be silenced and outcast :man_shrugging:

Just let people do whatever they are doing if it isn’t directly affecting you.

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Boiling down to insults I see no reason to continue the discussion. Go look up the definition of an entertainer please instead of saying well I think. No what you think is an opinion not a fact and it doesn’t matter what you and I think about this. If you actually argued entertainers get paid too much then yeah I would agree with you lol.

Wait wait wait…

What does Raiding World First have to do with mental health? What?

Behavioral health problems can occur in anyone at any time regardless of how much preparation someone does. This is especially so with cases of stress.

And the emotional pain of behavioral health conditions that have flared up chemically are the same signals your body sends you in response to physical pain and physical injury.

Your whole take is giga cringe.

You should work on your empathy.


You were actually the one to start doing that, so I guess by your own definition you lost?

Word definitions indeed do change over the years to fit whatever narrative people want, curiously you know who’s under the ‘Entertainer’ tag? Hollywood, and we all know Hollywood is and what it does to people with all that money.

Then you admit what you think doesn’t matter either, because you’re not the one that sets the definition in the first place.

I did, and I don’t think it’s a real job and comparing real work to it as well as ‘playing muh video games for 16-18 hrs in one sitting’ is silly. Simple.

If you only want to deal with ‘facts’ then I suppose you should go take ALL of your conversations to Fact Checked websites instead of Forum Discussions. :3

Alrighty, since I guess the standard now is what’s listed on a website for word definitions I guess I can pick and choose and go with the one I can personally edit.

“Entertainer: One that entertains people and solicits for donations, often borrowing from others. Not a real job.”

No matter how you look at it, whatever ‘money’ they get for doing these races should actually be going to people doing real work and not to themselves.

I did, actually. :3