RWF - Don't turn Mental Health into a scapegoat

See riiiight about. There.


Didn’t seem to think this through and expect everyone to agree with your stupid take that people should be sacrificial lamb for your entertainment. Huh maybe you should think better next time when creating a thread.


You are just trolling. I haven’t said those words.
You came up with those. They are YOUR words, must be because YOU THINK that they should give up their health for the sake of others.

I haven’t said that.

Don’t put YOUR THOUGHTS as mine. Be authentic and honest, use your opinions as your own.

Where did I say that they should be sacrificial lamb for my entertainment?

You’re the third person coming up with make up words that I haven’t said.


You’re a clown that’s butt hurt people aren’t falling for your nonsense.


I simply asked you to post where I did SAY the words you attributed to me.
Asked twice.

You came with nothing. Then you started name calling. Still in time to say you’re sorry and you came up with those words because you can’t find them. I never said that and I don’t even agree with you said.

I am actually saying everything OTHERWISE.


Equating what Echo and Liquid, etc are doing to a job is an insult to real work. There’s also tons of people that have those kind of jobs where they actually don’t even work but sit around playing games and chatting on social media for most of their shifts, but there’s always people equating it to real back breaking work.

See what I mean.


Spoken like someone who has never had to walk through Hell, repeatedly. Personally, I could give a rat’s smelly backside, this world first crap is a joke anyway, but belittling people who have mental health issues is pretty crappy.

When someone has had enough it’s game over. It’s not like they failed to save someone’s life or something really important, it’s just a damn video game. Have some perspective for Pete’s sake!

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


You’re asking them to see into the future and make a decision in the present day to know when it’s going to hit them.

You think it’s shameful.

Mate, the people aren’t doing it to get ahead of the team or being a sore loser about it, they do that because they actually felt that way. Overworked, needed a break, have this weighing on their mind too much and taking too much out of them. This even happens to the best of people…

Burnout is a real thing.

That’s what they have been doing and you’re shaming them for doing it. :man_facepalming:

Like what you’ve been doing in this thread? :expressionless:

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Burnout doesn’t care who’s writing the checks or how big they are, it’ll happen regardless, and it’s worth avoiding because depending on the degree it can take months or years to recover from. Even if there are people using it as a scapegoat (which seems unlikely) it’s a big enough problem that people should be given the benefit of the doubt.


I’m not emotionally invested in your happiness so no


You be surprised how thousands of people disagreeing with you and calling you names would affect your mental health. I can’t believe I even have to explain the toll it would have on someone’s mind to deal with all that negativity.

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Your feelings on the matter are irrelevant. It’s not about your feelings - it’s about theirs. You are not a mental health professional (obviously) and have no right to judge.

Your entire take is essentially a dear diary post about how you are unhappy with someone else’s decision that is quite frankly, none of your business.


Playing on a high level competition of a MMORPG in a great environment with your friends, under a roof, with food, water, heat… is this walking through HELL??? Rpeatedly?



Are you saying that they were all GOOD and great prepared for a long RWF run and suddenly echo pulling P4 with 10% hit them hard so they just called mental health issue and forfeit the competition?

Please, I thought people would be at least more intelligent to see it through.

You are emotionally invested in actually lying to through your teeth instead being a decent human being.

So, mental health became a scapegoat button. If you are about to lose, just say “sorry guys, mental health hit me up”.

I thought that people would not fall for this.

Your entire take is essentially a dear diary post about how you are unhappy with someone else’s opinion that is quite frankly, none of your business.

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I never once stated anything about mental health, I have an issue with people calling what they’re doing a ‘job’ or equating it to back breaking work.

Just about anything in life can affect one’s mental health negatively in some way.

It’s the kind of thing that can chip away at a person even if they don’t realize it. You think you’re taking the negativity in stride because you’ve got a thick skin or whatever, but it’s always in the back of your mind scratching away until one day it gets bad enough to surface consciously, by which point it’s too late.


It’s a valid reason what. Why would they fake this. It’s like the Etika situation no one took his mental health seriously until it was too late. You should be ashamed of yourself


Fall for what exactly? They still lost. Why does it matter to you if they lost because they said the stress was getting to them (ie, mental health) or if they stubbed their toe?

You seem to be deeply invested in making this about you for some reason.


One of the hardest jobs I’ve ever had was working in a call center doing Customer Service.
It was probably the most unhealthy I’ve ever been, sitting at a computer getting yelled at, belittled and insulted because people didn’t understand how money and bank accounts worked. Pro tip: don’t spend what you don’t have!
I felt tired 24/7, I dreaded waking up in the morning, I was sick constantly, even my relationship suffered greatly during my time working that job.

I would take physical labor over that any day, and I did just that. Sure I was tired at the end of a shift, but I would get home and shower and feel pretty good and I actually enjoyed my days off instead of thinking about how horrible my next work day was going to be.


Oh sit down. :roll_eyes:

You’ve been telling us “Oh they should’ve been more prepared”, and i’m simply telling you, that “even the most prepared of people will be hit by this and need to either call it quits or breaks”… that you’ve been ignoring so far.

I can understand if somebody like Liquid pulled out for feeling overworked or mentally tired over this competition. I know i’l never be in his shoes to understand all the preparation, training, and work that goes into competing, but i can understand and respect his decision to do so. He is a human being like me and you. He didn’t do it for his team or against the other team, he did it to better himself.

If you disagree with him doing that, that’s fine, but to call it a scapegoat is just incredulous.

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This is like saying call operators or 911 operators aren’t real jobs because they don’t break their bones. It’s absolutely taxing to deal with some horrific stuff and hearing someone crying or screaming about something. That’s undoubtedly going to affect your mental health.