RWF - Don't turn Mental Health into a scapegoat

This times infinity squared.



False to the point of being a lie. Optimal performance has been determined scientifically to be an 8 hour work day. Work longer and your productivity decreases until a series of 16 hour shifts result in the same quality and quantity of work as they would have produced in an 8 hour day.

It is false that anyone can hammer themselves so hard in advance that they are “prepared” for the life-threatening regimen you think they owe you, an anonymous forum troll hiding behind an untraceable character who is here to scapegoat mental health. Who is telling us that those performers owe it to scum like you to sacrifice their own lives to make you happy.

You can start anytime.


Yeah and I bet if you were in their shoes you’d take breaks too. Nonsense

They’re human. Humans are allowed breaks


You don’t know if anyone in the guilds have less than stellar mental health on a good day. Just assuming they can blast through two normal work days a day in one day for weeks without a break? Try some empathy. You don’t get to police someone else mental health. You don’t know what went on behind the scenes for anyone as to why they collectively felt they had to stop.


You’re shaming me.

I’m just calling it out as I see it.
They should’ve been prepared for this competition, and they didn’t.

They just forfeit and used mental health as an excuse. That is lame and shameful.

Yes, they should’ve prepared for a competition, in order to sustain such stress.

Or did they just thought it would be fun, laughs, energetic drinks?
Of course no.

Maybe this level of competition is not for them. You expect professionals to prepare for a competition on this level.

If you were saying that you get tired and stressed after playing 16 hours / day I would agree with you, with you being a casual player, who is not paid a dime for playing it.

This guy gets it.

Are you their spokesman person? If not, then you’re the one lying.

Who is saying otherwise?

I have opened my post specifically talking that people who actually work tirelessly 60-80 hours a week are those that suffers the most out of mental health issues due to stress and fatigue.

But those usually work during long time / exposures.

We are talking about a team of professional players who have been playing this game for SOME TIME and KNOW how RWF works. They know how much time they would be playing / day.

They either don’t know their limit (which is a intended pun for the previous guild name) or they didn’t prepare well for this competition.

I’m sorry, if you disagree, that is your opinion.

With the very first post.

If I were in their shoes?

We have to discuss first what are their conditions. They are NOT casual players. They are not people that work 40 - 60 hours a week and go casually play WoW.

Stop with this hypocrisy.

Thanks for reinforcing my main point: they simply didn’t prepare well for this competition.
Or, to better put this: They underestimated the needs for a RWF, even being a guild that has been around for quite some time already.


Competitors aren’t going to hurt themselves for your entertainment.


I don’t know where OP is coming from with this thread… and quite frankly, i wouldn’t call it a scapegoat to cite mental health as a reason to quit.


If your entertainment comes at the cost of someones sound mind then you got issues dude


Perhaps the real reason they decided to go home was because they didn’t want to spend the money on hotels and stuff for a chance at second place. :woman_shrugging:


boxers do. wrestlers do.

Hey guess what, your brain is a physical organ on your body. Mental health is physical health. Please grow up.


that’s a bit of a stretch.

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Well they call it a “Mind stretch” for a reason. :stuck_out_tongue: /j

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No one is asking them to do so.
You are the one actually suggesting it. I haven’t said that, at all.

Just asking for them to actually prepare themselves for a competition, or if they are not well prepared, just forfeit and admit they underestimated the needs for the competition rather than just calling out “mental health” issues which is shameful on people who actually go through this.

I didn’t say that. Where did I say that? Please stop posting things like I said this.

And that tells me they haven’t prepared enough to go through this intensive and extensive competition.

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Mental health has a direct correlation to physical well-being.
People with depression can suffer from chronic pain as a result or it will make chronic pain even worse, for example.
Stick to trolling about Blizzard.

If you’re feeling shame, good. What you posted is awful and you should feel bad for saying it.


I don’t think you have considered the idea that they are prepared for a competition… I mean you can be prepared for anything really and still have mental health issues weighing on your mind.


This thread actually pisses me off. And I hate this RWF nonsense. What just because they athletes they cannot have mental health issues they are people like you and me. In fact the toll on their mind to win this stupid competition is probably a very good reason to pull out in the end their health comes first not your entertainment.


Ok…done with this one. I think you’re either being ignorant or childish or both. Ever met a combat veteran? There is more to life than this stupid silly video game and…raid preparation.


Your entire thread


Who said otherwise?
If you are NOT WELL, you DON’T GO into a competition.

You go rest, get well instead.

People hitting up the mental health button exactly when they are about to lose a competition is shameful. I’m sorry, it is what it is.

I don’t feel ashamed at all. I am as honest as a human being can be, and I am not hiding or using an important issue as an scapegoat to forfeit a competition about to be won by other team.

Let’s take a deep breath, and think through, ok? It will make sense.

Your mental health is important. Your state of mind determines whether you are ready for something or not.

They all went into this competition, were they ok ? Didn’t they know they would go through this? Of course they knew how it was going to be, they have been around for what, 5 RWF already? They are not like you and me, casual players. These guys know exactly what they are going to do and how much stress they are going to have on this competition.

You have to stop putting yourself on YOUR SHOES and thinking these are actually their shoes.

Of course if they are not feeling well or if the mood is simply not good enough to continue, they are more than right in calling it off.

But if anyone is trying to say that Echo actually winning the race and showing progress every pull and they struggling didn’t actually made them to forfeit this (seeing they can’t pull this off) it will be pretty hilarious.

Ok, I’m done with you. Name calling is for people with weak emotional intelligence. Never gonna read any post of yours ever again.

Please, be honest at once in your life and quote EXACTLY where I said those words that you just said: