RWF - Don't turn Mental Health into a scapegoat

Thats not whats being talked about here, yeah they called it quits because their tired. but OP made the point to call them out on their Mental Health and claims they used it as an excuse. Then for some ungodly reason played the gender card on some poor soul in this thread when they had no malice or intent to offend him/her.

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Just say “they.” It’s the appropriate thing to say if you don’t know someone’s gender. They could be non binary and saying her/him is rude.

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If we were talking about people in real life sure, but we were referring to game avatars.


The problem is how are we to know that? How is Phialara to know this? We are not mind readers on this forum we are anonymous human beings. Also to each their own? This thread wasnt even about gender to begin with. OP played this card to change the subject.

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People don’t know what STOP means.

Sadly you are another one of those people that hear NO and continue to push over and over again.

This person is asking to speak to all our managers in this thread. Best to stay on topic and not have them derail their own thread even more. :grimacing:

I said it once, and then I apologized to you when you said you were offended. How exactly am I doing it over and over?

That’s fine. I actually do this a lot myself as well by calling them “They”.

I still don’t think not using the correct pronoun due to not knowing the first time around warrants hostility. Especially on the internet which we have no idea of the person’s gender whom were talking too.

It does warrants Correction if needed however.

People made this thread about gender when they tried to assume my gender with their cisgender minds.

I asked more than once for people to simply drop it and stop talking about it, but it doesn’t matter, they don’t listen when people ask to STOP, when people say NO. They keep pushing regardless of how people keep asking them to STOP.

I don’t know that Liquid is using the mental health excuse, but I have seen the community use that excuse for them. And the OP is correct in the sense that it’s not a mental health issue. If it were a mental health issue, one would think people would have enough sense to not do the thing that causes the issue.

The issue is, they were beat and knew it. If you want to say that they were mentally beat, I’m with that. Being down and out and such. It’s not like someone had a mental breakdown.


This is a public forum. You don’t get to post something then tell other posters to drop something. What you are looking for is a blog. If you don’t like what someone is saying, put them on ignore.


You don’t understand what STOP means. You pushed this topic by claiming Phialara disrespected you, and this has nothing to do with real life, Phialara had no malice or intent to disrespect you, and easy way to fix this, all you could have said was, please refer to me by my avatar name please. Thanks.

You did not have to go to such lengths to throw a person under the bus and say they are disrespectful.


That is the kind of treatment people receive on this forums.

They simply made the thread about my gender. Unbelievable.


Maybe if you don’t want people talking about it, you shouldn’t bought it up in the first place. It was a very minor passing comment.

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I like how you’re demanding people respect you and your wishes, while the premise of your entire op is you not respecting other people and their wishes.

If I were you, I’d mute this thread and just move on, because there’s not going to be any resolution here you’ll be happy with.


I asked politely for people stop talking about my gender.

It is irrelevant to the thread. But they keep pushing.
You keep pushing.

You probably don’t understand what NO and STOP means.

No no, YOU MADE THIS THREAD. Then changed the subject to be about gender. Dont try to put words in ANYONES mouth here when it is YOU that started this mess

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That would have been fine. I even would have been fine calling them they if they requested it initially. The he/she had nothing to do with rl identity at all. I don’t care what is in someone’s pants on the wow forums. If it is a male avatar I will say he, if it is a female avatar I will say she, if I don’t pay attention to the avatar I will say he/she.


You are comparing:

  • Questioning the preparation of one professional and sponsored guild to the RWF


  • Discussing the gender of the poster because they find fun to mock people.

You simply can’t drop the topic.

I already asked: stop talking about my gender.