RWF - Don't turn Mental Health into a scapegoat

What ever man , im not wasting my time, with you your not even on your main toon which tells me alot about you

You just made.

You are wasting both our times here. Get gud.

This is a really sad, bootstraps level ignorant troll thread.

I guess be proud of it getting this much response because not one drop if it otherwise is worth that.

Who does this help? Who does this hurt? What are your intentions? Can you answer those questions? I’m having a hard time why this post is here and what purpose it serves.

I mean, 10/10 for using faux corporate/MH speech to say, in essence, “Git Gud Scrub.”

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Read the thread. I am not repeating same arguments all over again just because you don’t want to read the thread.

Furhtermore, moderation just restored the post as it was false flagged.

Don’t just barge in here like you are owed any explanation, if you don’t wanna read the thread, don’t even post on it.

Only 1st matters, and this raid looked extremely intensive. But yes Echo is better prepared. Liquid had hotel issues, and someone also needing to leave back to their homeland.

I dislike though the comparison to Olympians vs gamers :stuck_out_tongue:

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After having read a bunch of the first post I get the impression that OP is either a horrible person or just a troll who wants to rile up GD.


If I’m not owed anything, neither are you. That means that your content isn’t owed automatic credibility or respect. I read the post, and I re-read the post, and when I removed all of the psychobabble, your statement in its most succinct form is, “You’re using mental health as an excuse to cover up your poor planning and bad choices,” and with all the respect you’re due, that’s just a garbage thing to say to anyone, at any time, for any reason.

And if you don’t like responses that you don’t like, don’t post.

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Okay, well. I wasn’t going to discuss the topic but rather state my opinion on how you can approach the topic in the future. But since we are here now, I have a degree in education and social work. I have spent the last five years of my life towards working with underprivileged and stigmatized youth, ages 11-14. Mental health is often unaddressed in poverty, which is where I specialize with my job, and thus I’m pretty passionate about making sure that people understand mental health issues and how it effects socializing, work ethic, and ambition.

Mental health is not a scapegoat, it is a reason. A scapegoat implies that we are looking for someone or something else to place blame on when in reality, mental health is a part of ourselves. It is not a defining aspect of ourselves but it happens to us. When people are confronting their mental health issues and recognizing that those issues may be cause to why they are struggling in certain aspects of their life, it is not placing blame. It is instead recognition and acceptance, and this takes an extraordinary amount of strength considering the stigma that mental health has.

As for Olympic athletes “abandoning” a competition for mental health reasons, they didn’t abandon anything. They made a choice not to participate in something that was going to be detrimental to who they were as a human being. Why wouldn’t we encourage that choice? They don’t owe us anything. Imagine the strength it takes to train for years for something only to realize that it is poison for your well being, and then imagine how hurtful ignorant comments can be when people decide it’s their place to discuss one’s own career choices. It’s not our place.

You can feel it’s unacceptable all you want. That’s your opinion and I’m not here to tell you that you can’t have one. But it’s my opinion that by you inserting your opinion into a conversation about mental health when you don’t have much background or knowledge of the subject is doing more harm than good. It’s damaging and, again, I say this with the upmost respect, but it’s ignorant. You can choose not to be ignorant. It isn’t a personal reflection of your character to not know something. What would be a reflection of your character is if you made an active choice not to educate yourself further after hearing that you may not know all of the facts.


This is still going on?


Also, I think this whole debate boils down poor wording on liquids part.

If they had just said rather, we are tired, need to get back to our real lives it would have been a big old nothing burger.


Fact of the matter, Echo is miles ahead of Liquid. The playing field is skewed towards NA yet Echo blew the doors off Liquid. It doesn’t matter why, it doesn’t matter how. No excuse can be used, Echo was just MUCH, MUCH better.

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That is the most fair assessment

I just got the chance to see what was said by Max. The Op made it seem like he said something a bit out of left field, but all it was just him talking about everyone’s state of mind there which also checks out from what have been tweeted for a while during this.

Can anyone link the tweet

It’s a soft copout. Liquid didn’t have to do anything different than Echo.

The statement should have been, we weren’t as well prepared as we should have been and we are conceding the run.

Nothing more, nothing less.

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I saw a clip from the stream. The tweets I was referring to was from tweeter where they’ve basically been saying this was taking longer than it should have. Not a whole lot, but it seems to make a lot more sense with what was said yesterday on stream.

What was said was nothing offensive. He was just talking about the state of mind for everyone there.

I think you all just need to take a step back with this.

Why should they’ve said that? The race dragged out for an unusual long time and I don’t see the problem with admitting that people just start to get burnt out while playing and concentrating for such an amount of time.
The WFR is not a professional and official tournament they have to be prepared for like an olympic athlete. It’s a community-organized event that they were a part of bringing it to life. This community doesn’t have any right to hold them accountable and mocking them for being regular humans that get burnt out while playing too much.

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Saying they were burnt to a crisp implied that they had to do something extra that Echo didn’t. You give Echo their flowers and move on. Burnt to a crisp is no excuse, Echo wasn’t burnt to a crisp.

Either you want to be the best at something or you don’t. Either is okay.

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