RWF - Don't turn Mental Health into a scapegoat

Again, this is a good point. It’s possible that someone who would think such has their own mental issues. Thus, people should be kind.

I work in this field and can confirm. Empathy without expectations is also incomplete. People have to learn to succeed IN SPITE of their issues. And all need to be compassionate when they, and we all, fail sometimes.

Both things are true.

For instance: it’s noteworthy that one team succeeded while also dealing with the same stress and possibly having some of the same mental health issues. I don’t think LIMIT has a monopoly on mental health issues.

It’s also true that it’s noteworthy to admit when things aren’t worth it and be smart enough to call it quits.

Both things are true.

So long as they’re not like op

The game should have never been directed toward E-Sports and this wouldn’t be an issue. It’s a game, not a career, and should not be causing people stress and mental health issues of that ilk.

And before anyone comes at me with that “RWF is community driven and Blizzard has nothing to do with it!”, that’s just nonsense and parroting PR speak. To host these events and run “news” coverage on them, organizations need to purchase a license from Blizzard. Just because it’s “community driven” doesn’t mean those who work at Blizzard aren’t part of, and actively shaping that “community” with their design decisions.

Just look at how hard Kotick pushed the Overwatch League.

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OP, you may have come from a good place in your heart, but this post is laced with ignorance and it’ll be good for you to listen to the posters who disagree with you.


This is a fantastic way to tell us you don’t understand biomechanics, psychology, and the interplay between the two.

If you’re actually this ignorant you need to get informed. If you’re trolling you need to stop.

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So people with possible mental illness should be treated well only if you enjoy the symptoms that result?

It seems people that have issues should be given compassion, full stop. But that’s just me I guess. You would be amazed at the much more hateful things I’ve experienced with mental health consumers. The OP doesn’t even compare.

Your post is a great example of how to agree with charity and grace. Thanks for acting mature in your disagreement.

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It’s obvious OP you really don’t understand how the mental can affect health. I sincerely hope you educate yourself rather than continue on this ill informed path.

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First of all im assuming you dont have any education about mental health like about 90% of people out there and your just talking out your butt, and talking crap on the forums bro

And they keep trying to dehumanize me to justify their unjustified toxicity towards me.

Well, first of all, thanks for being respectful, even though you simply declined to actually discuss the topic at all.

Shows that you’re civil and can disagree (even without discussing the topic at all), but please if you want to discuss the topic you’re welcome, if you are here just to post your opinion about myself (I am not subject of this thread), then please, just leave.

It is obvious that you don’t either, because you’re reducing the discussion to simply blaming and shaming on me without even talking about the discussed issues.

Shows how superficial you are with your post.

You are the one admittedly assuming and shaming me for “assuming”.

Please, save your uneducated and superficial comments for yourself.

Read the whole thread if you want to join the discussion, don’t just come and post about OP without fully reading it. it is pure cringe

Im i wrong ? what is your education / experience with mental health ?>

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What is yours? You’re the one putting this as a prerequisite to discuss it, you should be presenting yours first.

that doesn’t make you a specialist on the topic.

I have flu and it doesn’t make me a doctor either.

Considering you’re hiding behind an alt character talking smack about a competition you probably weren’t even running in, much less in the running for, I think you’re a hypocrite and need to shut your mouth.


This tired, outdated, absurd idea that paying fatigue, health, and mental health the respect it deserves is quitting really needs to go away. It is detrimental to our society as a whole.


You, random internet person, are not the arbiter or decider of what constitutes “mental health”. You are not an expert. You do not know what they are feeling.

This exact type of nonsense is why it still has a stigma. Some nobody gets to just show up and make a claim from the outside, with no credentials or understanding in the issue whatsoever, and then theres a bunch of strangers debating it out as if that random criticism has merit.

Pay attention to your own health and don’t worry about why a group you have no affiliation with makes a decision. At best its none of your business, at worst you are proliferating stigma that literally kills people.


Yes it does, im more knowable in this topic than you which you have no education in this topic at all

Considering that you’re posting on a character with 4 posts here that tells me that you’re also an alt, what is the point here.

You aren’t either.
you just invalidated your own argument.

It definitely doesn’t make you a specialist or even give you the entitlement to talk on the topic like a specialist.

Furthermore, you can just be lying through your teeth to make up an argument, you wouldn’t be the first. And the fact that you deleted the very post you made tells me a lot about it.

I didnt make a claim about their mental health, or the validity of their statement. You did. I said stating uniformed opinions proliferates stigma. It does.

Crawl back in your hole, and wait for the mods to delete this nonsense.

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