RWF - Don't turn Mental Health into a scapegoat

They removed achievements for first to level cap, first capped profession, etc, because they didn’t want players pushing 27 hours straight, but keep promoting RWF… apparently getting capped fishing didn’t

LAN party! Pizza on speed dial. Fridge is stocked. Crash wherever. It’s 7pm friday and we’re not going home until sunday.

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Do they have an obligation to Blizzard to beta test their encounters for them so the Euro guild can catch up and beat them, as well? I wouldn’t blame them for rage quitting, let alone taking a “mental heath day.”

I’ve done that and more for multiple years before having my mental breakdown. A little over a month really isn’t that bad.

Couple of things.

The OP clearly has misrepresented what is going on here. I think intentionally so to stir the pot and has been quite successful in doing so.

A guild that is essentially saying they have hit a wall and for the sake of their mental health were conceding is not the same as what the OP appears to be claiming, which is that they conceded due to mental health problems.

In the context of the former, you are saying that you cannot finish and you are stopping as to not continue putting undue stress on yourself which is very different from what the OP seems to think.

However, if they did do it right before the other guild claimed victory, I would say that the timing was poor on their part.

FACTS. Blaming there down fall on mental health is soo what’s happening now in this country. It’s laughable at Best.


I don’t think WoW’s RWF is comparable to something like basketball or football. A professional sports athlete certainly trains and plays hard, but their training schedule is going to be like a few hours to maybe 10 hours a week of vigorous exercise and a few hours a week of practice matches. You can’t push this 100 hours a week or you’ll risk injury or death, it has to be balanced. RWF requires marathon 18 hour a day funnel runs on a whole account of chars trying to gamble the raid’s gear up for a shot at an early lead. Liquid went the hardest of all on this and they blew themselves out, like those fitness experts who die young of a heart attack from 100 hours of exercise a week. Running and lifting is good for you, within a very limited moderate range.

I read the OP and realized you are completely clueless when it comes to mental health. You don’t have to grind a job 80 hours per week to qualify for mental health issues.

Athletes, gamers, construction workers, moms, dads, celebrities and such all have one thing in common: They are human and prone to mental health issues just like anyone else.

People working other jobs 80+hrs/wk are paid to do their work. Not like it’s forced labor. Most pro athletes spend each and every day training and working to keep their jobs as well. Try to be an Olympic athlete and live their daily schedule.

Your comparisons are inaccurate and presumptive. You seem to lack a basic understanding of the topic on which you try to speak. It’s this sort of thinking that was the reason it took so long for society to even feel comfortable admitting when they have a problem.

Anyone who has ever experienced issues with their mental health know that it can hit anyone, anywhere at any time.

I would stick to topics you understand and leave ones you don’t to those who do.

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Yeah but there’s still the risk of not getting enough sleep and basically playing on fumes. It’s more mental stress than physical in my opinion

Good point. Grumbles also makes a good point that unless you have first-hand knowledge or the expertise to make theories on less than firsthand knowledge you should remain agnostic or hold your opinion very lightly.

HOWEVER, this goes for both sides of this debate. No one here knows what’s happened and we’re all just guessing. So, we should hold our opinions humbly and act with more civility about a pretty big non-issues as it relates to us. Obviously it’s a big issue for those involved.

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Using this “eye for an eye” mentality leaves the whole world blind-Gandhi.

It’s also juvenile and undermines anybody’s stance of moral superiority.

Yeah imagine the pressure to perform ?? I am not doubting if there is a mental health issue.

Having this game being a hobby and past time sounds waaay better than what these ppl go through

This is you acting as poorly as you accuse OP of acting. You just called numerous people stupid, which then garnered likes from others.

This thread is people throwing mud at each other while trying to appear superior, not realizing they are all acting the same.

Who is factually correct? I don’t know. But I see that many here are acting very poorly in the same way they are condemning others for. It’s sad.

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This is not the claim. The claim IS NOT that mental health is a scape goat. The claim IS that it can be used as a scapegoat.

I’m sure you’ll recall the Smollett affair. That was a real issue utilized as a scapegoat. People at the time said some similar things too: why would someone do this? How would they even benefit?

I did discuss the subject and rather politely. You insistence that I am attacking you is way for you to once again - make this about you.

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You do understand the irony of this right?

You stand for compassion for those with mental illness. And then berate someone for showing symptoms of some types of mental Illness.

The world has become like this my boy, if they can use mental health they will. Everyone defending it, is the same way. A failed generation, failed parents, schools, whatever it may be but it’s extremely sad. Mental health gets you off the hook for anything. If you use it as an excuse, we’ll just take a look at those people I don’t have to say much lmfao

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You are describing narcissism and schizotypal personality disorder. Which are types of mental illness.

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Hold the phone. They thought you were attacking them? You’re freaking Grumbles. You’re one of the nicest dang folks in this cesspit


Why thank you for the kind words.

I’ve dealt with people like this before. Even saying something like “I had pizza for lunch for I’m not in the mood for Italian food” is construed as a personal attack for which there will be retaliation.

Other times If you say you prefer restaurant A over restaurant B just in the course of a conversation (not an actual decision) - you are not only being hostile and attacking them but also judging them. Again, you are the villain.

It’s exhausting.

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Yes. Our parents and grandparents failed us…and the fact that you are dismissing mental health as an issue for a country that just recently had the highest suicide rate in 70 years shows that you are in the failure boat with us.

People are literally dying and it’s a legitimate problem