RWF - Don't turn Mental Health into a scapegoat

He might have a crush on me at this point… weak minded people like himself tend to gravitate towards people who see through their non-sense.

I read it afterwards and again, my point stands, you did the classic… “act like i care about the issue, then attack the issue.” It happens a lot with discussions surrounding the LGBT community and religious communities… I wonder your opinions on those, you seem like a PragerU fan…

Happy birthday my tiny furball friend. :hugs:

Thank you I’m having a very good time tbh. I kind of regret being harsh to OP but then this comment came along oh well. I’m going do korthia rn.

I hope you get some new mounts or mog you need! Have a great night :smiley:

He’s like 50 and miserable, happy bday dude.

Don’t worry, 90% of the time anyone makes comments on someone being younger than them it’s out of jealousy more than anything.

People hate getting older and are very insecure about it.

Myself included.

Nope I’m starting korthia cause I was feeling burnout I’m actually going take time and enjoy the game. Used to bash this game relentlessly now I don’t. I just follow what I like

Maybe you need reminding.
Or maybe you’re just an idiot.
But this is forums for the game world of warcraft.

Not social issue problems.
This is general discussion about the game.
Not people with obvious mental health issues.

General Discussion, doesn’t always have to be about WOW. We’re more than just a gaming forum… is D2JSP all about D2? Nope


  • Senator Palpatine

Yes, it is, and you simply engaged in the same tactics right when you called my OP toxic.

I don’t want to anyone see me as a victim. I simply stated that people didn’t need to come here and being toxic to me like they had the right to, and at same time say that I should have more empathy and compassion.

I simple stated things like they are for what it looks for Liquid. And furthermore , no one here is from Liquid to be personally offended (and even I was harsh in my OP, I haven’t offended them).

The thread isn’t causing distress on me. I simply put on ignore people that come here and refuse to engage in a civil discussion. When I proposed that the reason Liquid has been under huge stress because they haven’t prepared for the RWF properly and I pointed out things such as even mental health follow up by professionals, people started dismissing (you can even see some people acting like professionals on the matter in the thread)…

People actually being toxic towards me because they simply can’t stand someone else thinking different than they. They refuse to engage in a civil discussion, to point in out in my words their accusations. I have been defamed and offended throughout the thread and yet, people keep asking me to be more emphatic and compassionate.

How can one simply ask others to do what they refuse or can’t even do?

You have used a word at me that doesn’t describe the OP and I have thrown to people that actually have been toxic towards me.

If you are actually sure that I have been simply throwing out the word toxic to everyone, please quote me every time I used it when someone wasn’t actually toxic towards me. I believe you made a counter before you did this post.

it turns out only raiding for your entire day all day everyday for weeks probably isn’t a good thing for your mental stability.

Never liked the RWF for that very reason, it just seems very unhealthy in every possible way. Even worse when you lose.


OP your not helping yourself attacking someone on their birthday. If anything it just furthers people comments about you being a jerk. Like what did you hope to accomplish here with those remarks?

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I agree, that is why I even mentioned examples in the past that initially, bosses like Algalon were time limited, and others like ToC Heroic bossess and Heroic bosses in ICC during WoTLK had limited attempts, that would increase every week.

I do agree that the amount of stress they go with splits, re-clears, m+ clear outs, finding a LOT OF PEOPLE in the community to trade them loot during several splits with so many characters is stressful.

They refuse to actively talk about the problem that exists with this because they know it will create more problems to them such as the end of titanforging.

I hope that they come back later and actually talk about this and someone at Blizzard see that the current RWF model can lead to this amount of stress if the participants do not take the necessary precautions and preparation for.

Happy birthday :birthday:

Now in this time every little baby wants to be a victim all the time. I am so tired of the pc babies.

Actually agree with you on this RWF is terrible overall and blizzard is a prime example of a corporation burning out an individual passion and leading to mental health issues. Also despite us disagreeing I thank you for the happy birthday.


I actually enjoy seeing those people gathering around to compete together.

I kinda miss the AWC and MDI being hosted by Blizzard.

Seeing both Liquid and Echo playing together in a place reminds me of times back then when friends gathered to play together.

I even remember some Guildies gathering in the same house to level up during Cataclysm to get to level 85 fast so we could raid right away in the first week. It is so nostalgic.

But at same time, it saddens me the way RWF is at this point. Things that we have even said such as limit the time or attempts on the early weeks so people don’t burn out themselves in the game have been dismissed by many on this thread, saying it creates even worse situation.

I didn’t mean to offend you when I called out the amount of wisdom related to your age.
But I agree that the way people write things on the internet can be read both ways, and most of the times, in the negative way.

As much as I disagree with you and I will continue to if I see something I disagree with I have to do some stuff on WoW I promise to do. Idk if your thread will be up but who knows. Anyways see ya

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Go wipe on a boss hundreds of times with the pressure of being the first in the world to kill it and the world watching you, I don’t know anyone that wouldn’t walk away after a while for their own sanity.


It is good that this kind of opinion appears in the thread.

It goes along with what we have been saying that there should be consequences to what Liquid stated. The amount of time they were spending playing for about a month (16h+ a day) is just the tip of the iceberg that is the current Mythic raiding system.

Blizzard has to do something to change this. It is a player created problem (there is no official competition RWF), but it is a problem nevertheless that has to be taken care.

I read what the spokesman said and this was my take away:

They are not athletes, they are gamers.

They are not committed, responsible professionals, they are playing at this.

It was not a mental health issue but a ‘this is too hard’ ‘not having fun’ issue.

I am not saying the challenge, having to grind hard towards a victory and their constant failures didn’t effect them mentally, in fact I am sure their self-image and confidence took serious hits, but I think his words make it clear this was more a lack of fortitude and conditioning than an actual mental health threat or risk.