RWF - Don't turn Mental Health into a scapegoat

As much as people would like to disagree with me, I have been bullied and insulted throughout this topic from the very same people that preached compassion and empathy.

People went to the lengths of flagging the thread as a troll, whereas I have been seriously debating with everyone in a civil manner (even when I didn’t receive the same courtesy).

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Pfft I ain’t wasting empathy on someone that wants entertainment at the cost of the athletes excess stress

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Because their not relevant in this conversation.

I think he’s trying to imply that getting something like that is not going to be cheap obviously, which means it’s not going to be accessible for everybody. Even with those with mental health issues.

Because there are costs? :man_shrugging:

There’s costs to living?..

You know there’s a difference between what we do and what Liquid does?.. I mean, you’re not forgetting that, right?..

Stop trying to suggest ways to screw with their jobs that will worsen their mental health issues, as well every other gamer's enjoyment in this game.

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Two points:

Empathy is free and never wasted.

Nearly every competition involves excess stress. So does nearly every pursuit of excellence at some point. As a former athlete, it’s very prevalent in athletics as well (stress that is)

Bonus point: if you truly feel this way, why try and correct OP’s behavior and then undermine your point by being demeaning??

What was your source then I want to read it. Provide it right now
Edit: here I’ve scrounge through it unless I missed it I don’t have a link to the source. So you should have no trouble linking it.

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Holy crap OP, you’ve made one hell of a bait thread that I myself couldn’t even pull off. Well done.


Here some sources that prove streaming is a real job. :slight_smile:

Also, pawser might want to take a look at a few of the Streamer numbers and see how much views and money their pulling in from clicks and ads.

Pawzer it does not take this long to link a source stop hiding and copy and paste it from where you are getting it.

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I thought you had a winner with the one from earlier :hugs:

There we go 3 more sources pawzer come on. Where are your sources Pawzer you have nothing right now

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Go back to the original question, or just say that you don’t have the capacity to answer it.
You simply deviated the question.

we are not talk about everybody.
We are talking about pro-gamers competiting in high level on RWF, sponsored and high visible, even from Blizzard.

It should be considered.

You’re putting value on peoples live and mental health?

I said it was important, I thought you said so…

Playing 16+ hours day?


That is a new low.
suggesting to put a time limit to relieve the ammount of pressure and not allowing them to have to go to the extents of playing 16h+ a day is actually “screwing with people’s jobs”.

I think she has me on ignore, maybe that’s why she isn’t proving herself when i asked her. :man_shrugging:

She has me on ignore too but she claims to have sources but isn’t linking them weird huh. Meanwhile she has responded to you as well very choosingly.


Wow, it’s a good thing we have a trained mental health professional here to tell us what’s what.


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The context of my post was that in this situation they didn’t need a professional to tell them when they didn’t take first that they needed to take a weekend off.

Do you sincerely not think that fortune five hundred mega-corporations that do the sponsoring don’t have people that assess risks like this before they spend money?

Being professional gamers doesn’t make someone immune to stress induced temporary behavioral health conditions. At all.

Thinking otherwise is absurd.

Sponsors are cognizant of the things that happen to athletes and eathletes when under extreme stress.

Liquid taking a weekend off isn’t remarkable. At all.

The amount of free time they have is not conducive to getting help and the cost is prohibitive.

When I last called a crisis hotline due to things I was on there for 45 minutes.

I don’t think a ten minute chat will do a darn thing.

If you had ever had a therapist or called a crisis hotline you would be aware of how long it takes.

Are you a mental health professional or someone with a degree qualified to claim that a pre-exam would detect the results of 112 high stress hours of focus a week might do to someone?

Do you have studies to support this?

You made the initial assertion. The onus is on you to prove your stance first.


In the grand scheme of things a vast majority of people literally don’t care about the world of warcraft eSports, let alone what sponsors of the teams do.

Why would the sponsors drop the team for needing to take a weekend off to rest for the sake of their health?

Sometimes it’s just like that.

You’re really making a mountain out of a molehill here.

How can it be useful? Are you a professional to say this?

Given that it can happen to anyone and over 50% of people under stress experience temporary behavioral health conditions it would be difficult to predict and useless to try—it is a mathematical inevitably that people will suffer stress doing something 112 hours a week for weeks with few breaks.

This is literally elementary reasoning.

Are you a professional? Where did you get your degree from,

Can you tell me where the DSM-V or the ICD-10 call for psychiatric evaluations for athletes to undergo daily psychiatric evaluations? Can you link me any peer reviewed studies? Maybe something on predictability of which people will experience temporary behavior health conditions during stress? Maybe a gene study?

You’re wanting to put people playing a video game through multimillion dollar training regiments because they chose to take a weekend off?


[quote=“Thereza-netherwind, post:185, topic:1208515, full:true”]

Here is my take:

Mythic bosses should have a limit timer on how much you can progress until they despawn.

We used to have this in TBC, with Algalon. You had 1 hour to kill Algalon.[/quote]

Tell me you’ve never played BC without telling me you haven’t played BC.

Ulduar was the second tier of Wrath.


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They are not needed, according to some people here (Baridobielor for example).

what’s wrong with yer vulpera’s eyes?!?!


Dead-Eye. I got two of 'em. :gun: :gun:



Wouldn’t that be a terrible thing to have if yer a hunter :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I can’t believe we lost to the euros again.

We can’t keep letting them do this to us, americhads