RWF Cheating?

This wasn’t a big streamer team and the race to world first needs to be milked for as much cash as possible.


Any RWF is illegitimate anyway since the group isn’t entirely composed of gnome players. All official Blizz policy is recognised only in the accomplishments of gnomes. All you lesser races can go suck it!

Race to World Second hype.


I thought this was amusing.

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If they actually managed to stop splits, they’d just be replaced with M+ funnel groups to gear up.

This is very sad of me, but I legitimately daydream sometimes about being so rich somehow that I’m able to start taking over decisions in this game. The absolute first thing I would do is abolish the raid lol.


Why would you get rid of a substantial source of free publicity/marketing that you don’t have to do anything extra for?

Because I wouldn’t be doing it to make as much money as humanly possible if I was already rich.

Publicity brings in players, which is good for the game having a healthy population, which is good for the players.

But also, how would you kill the RWF? Blizzard has almost no involvement in any of the events, they’re put on by the competing teams themselves.

I would legitimately completely redesign raid, or get rid of it entirely. Raid would be a stepping stone if it even did stay. Or, I’d just have someone desigta standalone game that was just raid. Again, this is what I would do if I was an overnight billionaire. I’d make the game to suit me and people like me. Nothing would be done with wisdom for the masses in mind

Ohh, you’re one of those salty M+ers who hate the idea that an item you might want exists in a raid instead of on a vendor.

Weirdly, remove raiding and watch as the M+ player count take a noticable dip, since you’d also remove all the raiders who are only in M+ to gear for raid from the LFG pool.

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There’s nothing on earth I despise more than someone in my key that is only there for loot so they can raid. I’m sure the feeling is mutual when I’m forced to raid.

It’s not about the loot for me, mostly. It’s a totally different mindset. Raiders come into keys and play like raiders. If they’re good raiders, they do good DPS/hps, etc. but thats all they do. It’s as if they literally are not aware of the rest of their abilities. If it isn’t throughput, they don’t press it.

dont they mostly run their own guild groups anyways?

Maybe, but they’d still have to explain how the loss of so many raiders from the game’s population would be a good thing.

wow you guys acted fast on that one, although their armory still shows them as having killed Gallywix on Mythic. might want to get on that…

as for the hotfix really good job, I only wish you had put as much effort into other hotfixes which you announce and then never come to fruition. Plunderstorm gear debacle ring a bell?

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still better imo.

That was a fast response by blizzard. Wish they had that enthusiasm for other things. I couldn’t care less about realm world first. Still, I’m glad cheaters don’t win. thank you

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

Depends on who used them. These guys, being random new accounts will almost certainly have ate a ban. But the well known streamer/influencer types would have at worst got a slap on the wrist. If even that.

Some of the behavior in the last few RWFs was pretty egregious, and blizzard has consistently refused to make an example of them. Because two tiered enforcement isn’t just a thing in the real world.

“Will I face any serious consequences for this” can usually be answered by finding out if streamers were doing it too.

I don’t care if they cheated because this is freaking hilarious.

This group of people killed the king of cheaters by cheating. Amazing. 10/10


Does this mean you’ll finally apply the same penalties to RWF guilds and streamers as you do to the average player?

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