RWF Cheating?

the fact that they called them selves quality assurance while doing your quality assurance is pretty fantastic

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This is awesome!

I’d tune in to watch exploiters down new content.

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How do you know they were exploiters?
What was the exploit?

Why can’t you just ignore it?

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a group of 7 people in sub-500 ilvl gear? hmm

When you highlight Blizzard’s total lack of quality assurance staff, everybody wins.

This is the best possible outcome for RWF, hats off to the “perpetrators”.

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Nothing about this in Raider dot io. Seems odd they would miss it if it happened.

Probably because Blizzard took actions towards it. Just a guess. :upside_down_face:

Why didn’t these people wait until 5 minutes before one of the genuine Guilds downed it.
Now that would have been some beautiful drama.

How is a Blue post not enough for you

Very few people, in a newly formed guild…and not a single healer… yeah that sounds heavily sus. I wouldn’t be surprised if this turns out to be truly a group of exploiters or the like. New raids aren’t stuff meant to be possible to beat without a full team

Edit: So yeah no very much cheaters if they’re beating mythic with no healers and very few people. Just saw the blue post in this thread, I thought people cheated through the normal raid but yeah no it’s very good to hear those frauds are being stripped of the RWF.

You regularly let cheating teams win. I think we’ve got our winner already.


Thank you for your teams swift response and action taking care of the issue and dealing with perpetrators.

to be fair…they probably weren’t told to go dudes…while there can you try to pull api for dev internal casts.

testers go so…you want to tell us the ones to test or do we guess? lol.

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Does OP write blue posts?

Does that change the fact that a Dev posted prior to you?

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I don’t understand how this works. How did OP post something marked in blue?

Yes, I already caught onto that.


You could be a champ and explain it.

^ Blue post, in this thread.


This is what kills me. Blatant exploiting an internal spell that one shots anything it hits to kill a Mythic boss? Can’t have that.

Its all about the subtle exploiting and real money trading and the loot sharing/funneling.

Race to world first has been a clown show for years, and I’m amazed folks actually still watch it.