As far as I’m concerned they are the RWF champions.
Imagine if they had acted that quickly on the bug that wiped out guild banks. Nope, they’ll only act that fast on things that provide an unintentional benefit.
Shows what they are focusing on. Raids. Everything else is small taters
You realize that most people don’t have static IPs, and that IP bans catch innocent people more often not, right.
Well isn’t that just too bad. Whts different from a guy thats only in there for loot for more keys? Because there isn’t one.
It plays out very differently. The guy that’s there just for loot so he can go back to raiding, doesn’t really bother to learn much. He just presses his DPS CDs and hopes everyone else knows what they’re doing and does it so he doesn’t have to. They basically do the same thing I do when I raid.
You just described every m+ player ive ever had in my raids. And most of my keys now that i think about it.
Maybe pugging isn’t for you.
I just prefer finding qualified mythic+ players that don’t have raid prog. It’s really not that hard to find. Raid has been slowly dying for quite some time now.
is it that serious though? Also would anyone know if it hadn’t been posted? Probably meant to help ppl from some crazy hard boss mechanic but you got the OP out here dry snitching…
thought it was ulduar that the guy with the gm armor killed bosses in 2 seconds how he got the armor with click and kill everything proc is still a mystery that whole guild got banned lol
They hacked and used a Dev kill command in the files, they didn’t take advantage of a trick or safe spot on the boss.
*Mostly Harmless
If these are new accounts, what about their main accounts?
More importantly though, players could cast internal spells?! That seems like a huge problem. How the heck does that happen?
Please don’t ban these people purely because of their guild name.
Now if only someone would take this kind of immediate action for PVP, Arena, BGs, Shuffle, and Blitz… Its always the new accounts with top kills, no pvp honor rank, and they just come right back with another account to win trade, kill pvp for new players, ruin it for returning players, and rarely is anything done.
Wow you guys sure move quick to fix things for completely meaningless achievements for 0.01% of the playerbase.
Wish you guys moved that fast to fix issues for things that affect the other 99.99% of players.
Why has none of this been done for PvP at any point in this game’s history? Like actually none of it.
This is a 0.001% of the game fix, meaning it wasn’t impacting a large swathe of players. Yet there are other things (cheats, hackers, win traders) impacting dozens if not 100s of titles? Bg premades? Etc?
Lich King world first was a different matter.
Rogues used bombs as part of their rotation because they were had empty GCDs. Bombs broke the platforms.
Now, the guild that used Martin Thunder to kill yogg zero…
Yeah but when it was discovered the bombs did it, it was abused intentionally
can u pls fix the fact you broke lfr in cata so i can play raids?
legit missing content bc u guys tried to turn it into a 10m like come on man stop this madness lol