RWF Cheating?

wrath redo had other “cheater” drama. Worlds first level 80 race.

won by a retail player who used raid mechanic to level off of trash really fast.

Classic andy’s were in an uproar. it was not the way!

others were going…well at least it wasn’t 5 wow geeks spamming dungeons for hours. they spiced it up at least.

Now the winners will have an asterix next to the names. Well done QA!! Lol.

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Swept under the rug and never again addressed? Like a Kyle Hickey FB post


Certainly hope you’re going to investigate further and try to link to main account and permaban them.

You should ban their main accounts by tracking their IP


It’s likely they already know who these guys are based on their guild name and this Reddit post from the WoW Secrets Youtube channel on Reddit:

For everyone that doesn’t know, RAoV is a long time hacking / exploiting group mainly focusing on WoW. They’ve been around since as long as I can remember and have been around well before I got into the exploiting scene myself. Many dupes, game crashes, major game breaking exploits have been found and performed by them. Some members have even received Cease & Desist letters from Blizzard.

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please my god its so bad

They found the cow level

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We already got that in Eternal Palace!

again. you might see that when people get bored and hit thunderbluff and not org to break it up.

Thanks for hot fixing the PvP crafting gear.
It was really nice to not have to farm a bunch of gems on recrafted armor for the day that you could do it.

I’m sure you’ll revert all the gear of people the “exploited” (if you want to call keeping gems on the the SAME upgraded piece of gear, an exploit) because otherwise exploit early/often would be the message received.

It’s great to see you’re focused on genuinely harmful things like PvP quality of life stuff, instead of focusing on game breaking exploits in a world first race and stopping them before they happen

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The irony considering you did the same thing. Not once but twice commenting about RWF when you openly dont care about it.

A wonderful day for me.

Wonder how they did it. I mean they bypass all the other boss. Must be a glitch and they got major dps/healing boost somehow.

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Devs leave in easy mode code (internal gm casts was reason given by blizzard) to test things.

They found a way to use that not being devs lol.

GM spellcasts.

I don’t care about the race itself, I enjoy hearing about people exploiting it.


now I need that too! so I can one shot people in PvP and get to KSH in week one by doing m+ 40 and time it XD

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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(post deleted by author)

slowly puts down Deathwing’s *obliterate an entire zone* ability

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