RWF Cheating?

So ignore it.

Just like we dont care about your opinion.

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Especially with a Goblin theme.


@Soulpriest would be happy to know that an exploit is now considered cheating by Blizzard’s definition lol


I’m pretty sure the exploiters are the bad guys we’re fighting like Gallywix.

Well, at least now we know Gallywix can actually be killed

Whether or not it’s mathematically possible to do so given the gearing of the RWF guilds remains to be seen, though.

You cared enough to comment when it wasn’t directed at you.

Have the day you deserve Snotty.


Except the part where it impacts the design of the game in a negative way for the majority of the player base.

[insert meme of that british guy saying: “Oh No!.. well anyway

Good to hear the devs and such are more or less keeping on the ball stopping cheaters. (hopefully they were aware of foul play Before the players commented on it)
Honestly tho it dosenʻt affect my enjoyment of the game in the slightest if they kept the title or not. :person_shrugging:

PLaces like CCP games with eve they avoid this issue with devs/gm chars in game given implants.

they carry the internal “spells”. and the gamers can’t sneak their way into that code.

I give this setup props. Someone took apart the code to find and use this. I’d gather this was beyond press tilde key, type -godmode.

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This wasn’t an exploit, it was an insurance scam by Gallywix. He took out a huge policy on the Gallagio, his workers, and himself and then told everyone to just play dead. He even stuffed a dummy of himself into his mech to fake his death and is now collecting massive payments under the name of Gail E. Wicks.


How is that even possible in 2025?


its a 21 year old game. lots of spaghetti code

We can only dream. Blizz acts quickly on anything that undermines (heh) max-level content to the benefit of players. Just about everything else is more of a
‘eh, we’ll see if we can pencil it in’ thing. :dracthyr_shrug:

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First - GREAT JOB!. Thank you for doing your due dilligence on this and preserving the integrity of the game.

Second - please please PLEASE do us all a huge courtesy and extend this sort of quick action to other facets of the game. Ranked PvP (since shadowlands, but especially since mid-dragonflight) has been rampant with cheating, wintrading and game throwing at the highest level of play in solo brackets.

In shuffle for all of S3/S4 there were people running rotation/kick bots all day. A known ret/bm botterwas called out on twitter and responded on Vanguard’s discord and admitted it, said the stuff was easy to find and claimed he did it for fun because he didn’t care and wanted to delete the toons after “experimenting” cringe. I wouldn’t know firsthand if it was as prevalant last season given that I didn’t push as hard, but I do know these things don’t exist in a vacuum.

Blitz is the real culprit. I don’t play blitz much as the bg scene has long since stopped being of interest to me (I’d rather play with people I know or practice things in shuffle then queue actual arenas). This is going to sound tinfoil hat - but I spoke to a friend who made it to the HOTA/HOTH cutoff this season, super cool dude who’s been working at it for a long time and told me (admittedly as second hand information) that NEARLY EVERY player who pushed to R1 in blitz wintraded or threw games for friends.

At that rating people are queueing at 4am - 5am est to ensure they only get high mmr queues a 3600 player does not want a game at 2800 where they gain 0 points and lose 72 on a loss. This sort of late night queueing really isn’t a bad thing (even though its a bit sweaty and cringe). What is bad is that many of these players hang out in the same discords and wait to ensure they queue INTO THE SAME MATCH and then will drop a game or two to feed their friends CR.

A lot of the guys doing it are/were friends or people I’d queued with in the past. I really don’t have time for this kind of crap personally, but I’d be very disappointed if there isn’t a major action taken against these players after seeing the very appropriate and prompt response to this overstep in PvE.

The PvP Community in WoW is small and dwindling, but we love the game! Those of us that still care about the integrity of the game want to see players who pull this stuff given a little bit more than a slap on the wrist. R1 has a lot of meaning to people - in any bracket. We want to see skilled and talented players recognized and titled!And this is a good opportunity for blizzard to really showcase that they care and do not tolerate rampant (and blatant) cheating.

I and others like myself are INTENSELY passionate about the game. When you’re a 20+ year veteran of the game, you learn to stop sweating the small stuff. But we do care about what matters, and integrity is the sort of thing we all value .


It seems pretty bad that it’s even possible for anyone to gain access to internal testing abilities on live servers by any means.

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Some devs think they are gods/goddesses
and players are mere mortals who cannot fathom their greatness.

I’ve known lots of coders like this.

Some devs forget long ago they were that college student breaking into games they were playing, whose devs thought the same exact thing.


that was also hilarious, using engineer bombs


that run is 50/50 with some players
i get it if in rotation but after one or two bombs test i would not push it

I think this is one of the instances where I side with the no life tryhards here.

Back then, using engi bombs was a tryhard min max thing for optimal DPS so the player(s) in question weren’t doing anything out of the ordinary with the intent to cheat
unlike clearly this exploit and other past exploits that ultimately show Blizzard favoritism for the no life mythic raiding tryhards and the orgs behind them when those players get, at worst, slaps on the wrist.

It isn’t like say Cata DragonSoul when players discovered how to abuse the new LFR feature and the ability to trade gear to keep a bug hidden where players could be in an instance/start the fight with a group, hearth out, leave group, and still be eligible to have loot traded to them without being flagged for killing the boss leading to no life heroic raiding tryhards (mythic as a name didn’t exist yet) to abuse an unreported bug to gear up their tanks amongst other toons (Cata tier sets had really strong raid wide defensive powers tied to tank specs tier).

Amongst other examples.

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