There are tastes and then there is degeneracy and sodomy.
You know theres also being understandable that each person like what they like and straight up being rude and hostile to them
I’ll be making one to earn the heritage for the fun, but then she will be parked in Spires of Arak for the weekly Ruk kill.
If I was the dev team, I would’ve given the Mechagnome 2 active racial skills
- Shadow step - teleports behind the target instantly, instant cast, 2 minute CD (rogue skill)
- Force Barrier - blocks all damage for 8 sec, instant cast, 5 minute CD (paladin skill)
Only then, I think it’s fair for the little guys.
I just can’t get over the fact that they are not limbs to replace naturally lost limbs, but to upgrade into a mechagnome. I thought it was too dark of an idea but they actually do show that that is what is happening in the lore. I love gnomes too much to accept what they are doing to their bodies. You can argue that it is gnomelike, but I don’t know. I just don’t like it.
Casters look better because of blizzards lazy robe design.
Tbh I feel like mechagnomes are a missed opportunity to give a different type of customization. Custom parts/looks for legs and arms would have been kind of neat.
I’ll make one. Probably either a warrior or rogue.
People have been asking for them since wotlk.
People have not asked for gnomes that tear out their own members.
She asked for something else and blizzard, like kultirans and purple blood elves, performed another corrupted wish for the alliance.
Remember. Compromise!
Liking something and going against the normal values and behaving like a degenerate deviant are two different things.
If you’re not careful you will be told that you have to be grateful because Blizzard worked on a “Random 3D skeleton which was created from scratch which you cannot see unless you are a animator at Blizzard”. Apparently we have to think of that as a “Hail Mary” moment for Alliance Allied Races even if they ended up looking the same or crap and the Horde got a unique look.
Honestly it is weird though the faction imbalance isn’t a matter of opinion. They are just making it objectively more appealing to play horde. If it wasn’t enough for the competitive advantage of being in the horde community, they have to give alliance all these weird races that nobody wants to play. Can you like, give alliance players 5000 gold from the start because we’re not degenerate barbarians?
It’s pretty obvious that kultirans move different from other races. You don’t have to be “an animator at blizzard” to see it. Just use your eyes and watch a kultirans walk.
They are no different from Humans. I would rather take a unique model which is the foundation of a race.
What will be really interesting is to have Mechagnomes for the horde and the vulpera for the alliance.
There are several reasons behind this way of thinking
Making the game gnome vs mechagnome should be more interesting, not gnome + gnome.
Traditionally, the alliance characters are supposed to look pretty and cute, whereas the horde characters uglier but with little better racials. So really Vulpera belongs to the alliance
There is only one furry race in the alliance, Worgen, whereas the horde got 2 already, i.e. Tauren & High mountain Tauren. Adding another furry race to the horde will make the grand total of 3, totally unbalanced.
So how about good gnome vs Evil Chucky type of mechagnome theme???
Say what you wanted to say.
Except for that part where we set fire to all their caravans. If I learnt anything from watching snatch it’s that people get grumpy when you set fire to their caravans
I thought you were talking about mechagnomes . You were not, so I deleted my post. I called you ridiculous for thinking that a person playing a mechagnome was depraved and a degenerate. Apparently you were talking about someone or something else.