Imagine being so upset over a race you have to insult others enjoying something you don’t.
Yes, I will be playing a mechagnome. Sorry if that triggers you, poor thing.
Gnomes are already supremely unpopular. Garbage Pail Gnomes will be even less popular.
Kul Tirans are a good allied race, I don’t understand what’s your problem. Mechagnomes are also awesome. Just because you personally don’t like them doesn’t make them trash. Would it be fair if I were to attack Horde’s Vulpera as furries and made only for degenerates furry erpers?
Although honestly, looking at your character’s race and name, I reckon calling you a furry would be more than accurate.
Interested in the outcome once they come out. Their racial has already been nerfed so I guess the numbers will tell.
Honestly respect to people that do choose to play them. I don’t see myself playing one, but it does seem pretty appealing to make a rogue for me. A small mechanical assassin.
Would I follow through with it? Honestly probably not.
Yes, they are rather fun to play. I’ve tooled around with a few on PTR… I like the Vulpera, too. I’m going to have both added to my collection of alts. I say give them a try. You may actually like playing them.
I had a gnome alt I made as a joke when they made it possible for them to be hunters called “Salty Petfood” and tamed 2 thoks so she had these giant devlisaurs thumping around her and just showed how dumb the idea of gnomes existing in this world of mega predators is…
Then I deleted her because even as a joke gnomes are a waste of a character slot, I considered remaking her again as a mechagnome… (limbs ripped off by her hungry pets haha) but even then I’d probably just delete her again because gnomes are a waste of space and mog looks horrible on them since their bodies are so compressed.
It depends on how their racials are when they actually come out. I might swap my prot war to one when I swap him to ally if they are strong.
Good point. If Junk Pile Gnomes have OP racials that will get a lot of people on board. Trashcan Gnome monk tank would be bonkers with a strong version of their current racials.
After the quest that shows us what happens when the implants malfunction, I, for one, would not want to play a mechagnome, although I think some people would do for min-maxing purposes.
Oh, wait, blizz nerfed the racials. Guess no one will play it other than the meme gnome players, then?
I will do them both for the mog and cheevo, more than likely out of boredom as I have all the allied races.
It’s ptr. Things bet numerically buffed and nerfed on a weekly basis. I would not be at all surprised if there are buffs before they go live or within the first few weeks of being live.
They are obviously trying to lure more high end players with allied races since they are all strong and high end players are what alliance are missing.
They are pretty stupid looking but anything is better looking then a stupid anthropomorphic fox.
If that is the case, I think picking the gnomes to be the min-maxing master race was a bad call.
It’s not just them though.
Void elves have one of if not the highest sim dps. It’s flaw being that it isn’t on demand damage.
Dark iron dwarf however is on demand damage racial.
Kultirans have passive vers which is most classes highest siming stat atm too.
Generally alliance have had the stronger allied race racials imo
At no point am I criticizing who plays with a certain race!
Just Blizzard’s total persistent lack in ever doing something disconnected for ally and trying to push a sugar spoon into junkgnouns.
Well, when being furry is offensive or illegal, I will be really offended to be called furry.
Blizzard: We made vulpera and mechagnomes playable due to popular demand.
Translation: We made vulpera playable due to popular demand. Oh, and we slapped mechagnomes onto the Alliance and called it a day, because screw actually giving Alliance something they asked for.
It’s not illegal, it’s just disgusting and degenerate.
No, I won’t play one but I don’t think every race has to cater to my personal preferences either. Plus it would be really weird if everything was equally popular. It’s okay that there are some race and/or classes you run across rarely. Adds flavour.
People have their own tastes you know?
And trust me Furries are on the soft side of it, they are far more wild tastes out there that would get me banned if i talked about them