Rushed content pacing is awful

Original TBC expansion lasted 22 months, yet we’re not even 1 full year into TBCC and it’s about to be over already.

If I had known going into TBCC that it was only going to last about 60% as long as the original, I would have made very different choices about how much effort to invest, or frankly whether to play it at all.


bruh we got like 6 solid months of sunwell enjoy the ride

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The dragon slayers are gonna get wrath rushed too


I’d love that. Maybe my 2nd glaive would drop and I’d actually get some time to play with it before it becomes irrelevant.

But it seems very unlikely.


100% agreed, but you’re gonna get people coming in here telling you that they should do asinine stuff like skipping Sunwell to get Wrath here as soon as possible. They will then proceed to get Wrath and cry that phase 1 is too long. Wrath will then be even shorter than TBC. Before you know it, we’ll have milked the classic content dry because people can’t control themselves.


These clowns will then say “it’s OK, just skip Cataclysm and go straight to MoP”

Yeah, it’s sickening.

Personally, vanilla and TBC were my favorite expansions and I was already not very excited about WotLK. Now I don’t even feel like playing WotLK at all.


Are you new? We will get 1 month of prenerf then 2 months of nerfed version and hop into a 1 month prepatch.

oh hype wrath faster lets go

Want to make a wager on that? I’ll even give you 3:1 odds that we get more than 1 month before nerfs come in.

I agree with how you feel, but you have to consider some things. I know people aren’t aware of the following fact, so I’ll inform you.

Historically blizzard stated they always wanted 1 to 1.5 years expansion cycles, but were limited by development time. TBCC is all ready a completed game. They don’t have to adhere to a development time line with TBCC.

It’s all about revenue stream. The reality is you should have expected a fast pacing for TBCC, especially if they’re losing a steady stream of subscribers and not bringing in new players. It’s not really your fault that you didn’t know this fact, but it is how blizzard operates and it’s within the frame of what blizzard said historically for pacing.

There is really no definitive rule that says they have to follow the old development time line. Especially if they’re losing players. Wrath very likely could follow the same course if they’re losing players after launch and not bringing in new players.

The game has been losing a steady stream of players since TBCC’s launch. It’s very hard to bring new players into this type of game.

On the contrary, development costs for classic are very, very low. Drastically lower than each retail expansion.

The revenue stream from classic is also likely to fall off a cliff after Wrath. What, are they going to try to hype people for Cataclysm Classic?

The future of Classic is highly uncertain, and it would be more profitable to lose a few “seasonal” subscribers at the end of each content phase, that will return in the next content phase anyway, instead of zooming straight into that uncertain future where Classic may cease to be a viable product altogether.


In a world of instant gratification, and spending real money on gear, you’re surprised people get bored of the content in 2 months? Classic went downhill when blizz decided they weren’t going to police or manage it at all. Just set it, and forget it.

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The RMT that happens in GDKPs is truly sickening.

Particularly as a GM, hearing all the whiners in my guild say “can I please site out for X,Y,Z raid this week so I can go to a GDKP and leech up some gold?”

It’s horribly destructive

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Agreed I too am very angry about the pacing of these content releases and it has all ensured I will not be purchasing Dragonflight at all with how rushed the TBC classic phases have been.

Has nothing to do with the playerbase…

Blizzard needs wotlk to hit in the 2022 fiscal year. They need the millions from deluxe editions and boosts that come with wotlk

Then they have the new retail expansion in 2023.

This is 100% about profits and stock holders.


Yep, truly a shame.

Maybe in another 10 years we will get classic - wotlk where they actually police bots, gold selling, etc. This brings up another good point which is like, they supposedly don’t want to give us RDF in wotlk because it will harm the “community aspect” but how much harm does turning a blind eye to all the RMT, botting, collusion bring to the server communities? People would rather pay real money than deal with others and be apart of a guild where you wait your turn for upgrades.

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how long did you want?

Players need time to get their loots when new content is released so quickly it makes getting into the raids you need gear from more difficult considering how bad peoples luck can be with RNG loot if I could get multiple runs per week for chances at raid loot I wouldn’t mind the faster pace of release but considering I only get 1 chance per week for loot from raid bosses we need more than a few weeks inbetween patches or the loot system needs a serious overhaul.

Yea that’s sad. Tell those noobs to level alts if they want that juicy gkp gold.

I really hope this is true. The shattered sun offensive is what made tbc what it was. I would call it a success if we have 6 months of it.