Rushed content pacing is awful

If you think in 10 years the botting situation will get better i have a bridge to sell you my friend.

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I was thinking that also. Still not sure. But i am actually leaning more toward trying out dragon expansion and giving up on classic.

Instead of improving classic with some of the best features of retail, like lfd and mythics and stuff, it seems they are instead improving retail with some of the best parts of classic. Like the talent tree. If they can just bring back challenging gameplay to all of the game. I will be checking it out. I am pretty sure i am done with classic. Way to rushed and removing lfd from wotlk was the last straw.

We liked classic so much that we wanted them to bring it back. And they listen to the players that get bored and want it rushed along. Go figure.


Challenging gameplay? Are you saying retail isnt challenging?

Yeah i get that world mobs are kekw but instanced content is pretty dang hard my friend.

Valid point. Although people are obviously keen for Wrath Classic, I just don’t think Blizz are giving TBC Classic a good enough run. There’s a lot of content in TBC, and a lot of people and guilds are still working through earlier raid tiers.

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Has nothing to do with content…

Deluxe edition and boosts have to hit the 2022 books. WoW didnt have a new game out this year yet… so they need this one to salvage the year.

Players driven by the few elitists who are in a hurry to satisfy their ego trip on beating a boss and the expansion completion - THAT is why the hurry! It doesn’t matter that this has already been completed and won, they just want to reach end game as quickly as they can then cry for more. I never seen such a greedy selfish group in a long time in MMOs. Infact, I have to say they set the new record for it, and that is not a good thing. Like we seen before, these nasty bunch will know exactly what to farm and exactly where to go, the prices in AH will still be beyond ridiculous, the selling spot for raids will overrun the trade channels as always. Meanwhile, the ones who want a slower pace can’t already enjoy that slower pace the second time around because this group of eltists can do nothing but scream for more and more and more… I did suggest to Blizzard to throw them off their feet by changing things up. Make a different herbs part of that potions we all need, introduce contents that originally were going to come to the game before they got hack off the list; like housing for one. You see, if they don’t cater to these pricks, they leave for other games and Blizzard is stuck on the fact that they think they need them and the number to the population to even have a game. So, yea, it is a hurry along concept that we are now playing now. Instant gratification, silver platters, feed my ego, you are beneath me eltists that are ruling the game and its timeframe of released!


blizzard has to get that classic wrath boost money asap.

Are you unable to read… or just refusing to read?

Wotlk being rushed has literally zero to do with players rushing through content… its a business decision by blizzard.

What a wild take to blame the playerbase lol

Yes of course. I am only referring to open world comtent. Like look back to original vanilla. Leveling up it was a pretty iffy situation sometimes if you pulled more than one mob. There were actual elite mobs that would kill you easily if you tried to solo them.

Yes retail is defintely hard but only if you do the hardest raids. It is a small portion if the game. Both content wise and the amount of time spent when playing. Even on pvp servers, the threat of other players is almost non existent.

Nope wasnt saying retail doesnt habe challenging stuff. I am just saying overall the game, meaning the parts you play loke daily questing and stuff is just easy.

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Um yeah i guess… I dont play retail wow for world content. That’s for the casuals. They could make it hard or easy i wouldnt really care either way.

I do w.e it takes to push keys in mythic plus since that is the content i enjoy the most. Pushing 22s - 24s is incredibly fun for me.

OK, but what are they going to do after WotLK classic?

Rushing WotLK classic might look like a good decision for the 2022 books, but it’s definitely reducing the amount of revenue that they’ll be able to draw from classic over the long haul, because there are a whole lot of people that don’t plan to continue after Wrath. Probably Blizzard isn’t planning to continue Classic past Wrath, even.

So OK, probably some selfish and short sighted exec wants to juice the 2022 books and retire with a nice bonus. But that individual is definitely making a short term decision, at the expense of the longer term health and viability of this product. The future of Classic, post-Wrath, will be somebody else’s problem.


Retail as it is dead to me now after all BFA and the launch of Shadowlands all good will I had left blizz has vanished only thing keeping from unsubbing is classic and at the pace they racing through the tiers not for much longer.

2023 has retail expansion, so next year all set.

They will figure out 2024 in 2 years when its Microsofts problem.

All that matters is the financial reporting and MAU’s… they dont care about extending expansions for “the good of the game”

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Rysia was 100% spot on in their assessment. I think there is a financial component also, but the larger bit is keeping their pet sweatlords occupied. Blizz always catered to the desires of the upper-end raiding crowd in OG WoW and Classic is proving no different.

Retail is only challenging because it’s horribly boring to play. The challenge is avoiding the nauseous feeling you get from grinding out a game for 5 months with no real progress.

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If you do just world content sure. Mythic plus is plenty fun when you try to push 23s or higher.

But if you sit and do world quests and +5s then yeah id quit after a week.

I just picked up Retail about a week ago, after a 3 year break from it. It does feel like they’ve pushed more for single-player style progression through the campaign quests, but on the flip side, there’s been some pretty decent amounts of WPVP, which I hadn’t really expected with WM.

I’ve still got most of the ZM quests to get through, but then I think I’ll be finished all of the campaign quests, and be able to equip 2 legendaries.

Anyway, I have mixed feelings on the content release speed. I enjoyed WoW Classic a lot though. TBC Classic, I think I had the most fun during the beta.

Its all about the quick cash grabs, these expansions are going to get killed in the end so you all move on to the next hype. They intentionally left so many empty servers up in classic when they launched tbc so people quit it. they merged way later to say they did it but was to late, i was there and was waiting for mergers or free transfers it never happened and i quit, mergers/transfers happened afterwards when i wasnt playing.

They connected with TBC launch, that wasn’t way later.

Sorry but i was watching very closely, they did a massive merger like 6 months later. people cried on the forums months after release, what are you a blizzard shill? emp?, a blizz ai bot?